IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024A985 PROGRAM_TITLE SpeX Monitoring of Mrk 817 PROGRAM_INV1 Hermine Landt PROGRAM_INV2 PROGRAM_INV3 PROGRAM_INV4 PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT extra-galactic PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG This is a DDT program to obtain a SpeX spectrum of the Seyfert I galaxy Mrk 817 (AGN STORM2; Kara et al. 2021). We are preforming an intensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign. This supplements the ongoing HST COS UV spectroscopy campaign with IR spectroscopy. We will use the SXD mode with the 0.3 arcsec slit. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END