# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Characterising the coupling between distinct layers of the Jovian atmosphere via Juno-TEXES Comparisons
PROGRAM_INV1 Jake Harkett
PROGRAM_INV2 Leigh Fletcher
PROGRAM_INV3 Glenn Orton
PROGRAM_INV4 Thomas Greathouse
PROGRAM_INV5 Arrate Antunano
PROGRAM_SCICAT major planets / satellites
Mid-Infrared spectroscopic observations of Jupiter using TEXES now span almost an entire Jovian year [2012 - 2023], providing an unprecedented record into long-term seasonal, compositional and dynamical changes within the Jovian atmosphere. TEXES has been vital in providing spatial context complementing the narrow field of view observations made by Juno since 2016 and JWST/MIRI in 2022. Two Juno PeriJoves [PJ] will occur during the first proposed observing run [PJ58 and PJ59] and two radio-occultation PeriJoves [PJ62 and PJ63] in the second which will present a unique opportunity to probe the entire Jovian atmosphere from 1 bar up to the ionosphere, allowing the coupling between these layers to be studied. However, these measurements will only be carried out over extremely localised latitudes on the Jovian limb and aside from the occultation experiments, Juno is unable to sample the Jovian stratosphere. TEXES will provide much-needed spatial context of the stratosphere surrounding these occultation measurements as well as deriving the tropospheric structure and composition, with an aim to link turbulence in the stratosphere to tropospheric disturbances below and investigate the coupling between these two distinct atmospheric layers. In addition to this, TEXES observations in 2024A will complete the series of observations started in 2012 to assess compositional and dynamical changes over the course of a Jovian year [12 years]. A number of planetary-scale upheavals have been observed to operate on irregular timescales within the normally stable belt/zone structure of Jupiter. Further TEXES spectroscopy combined with deep temperature and ammonia measurements made by Juno/MWR will assess the persisting long-term effect these upheavals have on Jupiter's compositional and dynamical structure. This could enable the prediction of such events as well as giving an understanding of the processes that precede and follow these upheavals.