# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Observations of Near-Earth Objects with MIRSI and MOC
PROGRAM_INV1 Andy Lopez-Oquendo
PROGRAM_INV2 David Trilling
PROGRAM_INV3 Joseph Hora
PROGRAM_INV4 Howard Smith
PROGRAM_SCICAT near-Earth objects
We propose 30 hours of 2024A time with the newly available MIRSI and its optical camera [MOC] to measure the diameters and albedos of at least 30 near-Earth Objects. By observing simultaneously infrared and optical
wavelengths, we will derive high-quality diameters, albedos, and colors [taxonomies] for all of these NEOs. NEOs' spectral energy distribution peaks around 10.5 microns; thus, our observations will be performed using MIRSI's N-band. We successfully performed MIRSI and MOC observations in previous semesters, detecting more than 25 NEOs above 50~mJy with simultaneous r-i-z-band imaging. We have built Python routines to reduce, calibrate, and analyze the acquired data. This semester's allocation will be part of a large-scale survey seeking to constrain the physical processes occurring in smaller sizes in near-Earth space. In addition, this survey will include objects as small as 10 meters for which physical properties have not been measured.