IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024A074 PROGRAM_TITLE Deciphering the mineralogical basis of the taxonomical diversity of the Koronis asteroid family PROGRAM_INV1 Jorge Carvano PROGRAM_INV2 Mario De Pra PROGRAM_INV3 PROGRAM_INV4 PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT main-belt / Trojan asteroids PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG The aim of this project is to study the mineralogy of Koronis family in the outer main belt. The family, one of the oldest in the asteroid belt, is composed of mostly by S-complex asteroids, and have been associated with ordinary chondrites. Nonetheless, the same region also shows an overdensity of C-complex asteroid which highly exceed the expected contamination by interlopers. We propose to use the NASA IRTF Spex instrument to investigate the 0.7-2.3 microns spectra of members of the family to access the level of composition diversity of family, and constrain the mechanisms of its formation and evolution. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END