IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2024A004 PROGRAM_TITLE Completing Surveys for Members of the TW Hya Association and the Beta Pic Moving Group PROGRAM_INV1 Kevin Luhman PROGRAM_INV2 PROGRAM_INV3 PROGRAM_INV4 PROGRAM_INV5 PROGRAM_SCICAT stellar PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG Because of their proximity and youth [<100 pc, 10 and 20 Myr], the TW Hya association [TWA] and the Beta Pic moving group [BPMG] are two of the most important associations in the solar neighborhood. A recent study identified candidate members of TWA using astrometry and photometry from Gaia DR3, arriving at a total of 67 sources that are likely to be members. We propose to use iSHELL to measure radial velocities [RVs] for the nine of those 67 candidates that lack such measurements so that we can verify that their UVW velocities are consistent with membership. Meanwhile, we have performed a similar survey for members of BPMG using data from Gaia, arriving at a catalog of 161 candidates. Most of these candidates have spectroscopy to confirm their youth and RVs to confirm their membership via UVW velocities. We propose to use SpeX to confirm youth for 9 of the remaining candidates that are observable from the IRTF and that lack spectroscopic data. We also propose to use iSHELL to measure RVs for 16 observable BPMG candidates that lack RVs to verify their membership. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END