# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Characterization of Hayabusa2 Extended Mission Targets
PROGRAM_INV1 Andy Lopez-Oquendo
PROGRAM_INV2 David Trilling
PROGRAM_INV3 Joseph Hora
PROGRAM_SCICAT near-Earth objects
We propose 5 hours of observation during semester 2024A to measure the diameter and albedo of Near-Earth Objects [NEOs] 98943 and 1998 KY26. These NEOs are the next target of the Hayabusa2 extended mission, and such physical properties are unknown. It's very important to the Hayabusa2 team to know these properties as it will influence the planning of the spacecraft fly-by and rendevous. Thus, we aim to get simultaneous N-band [thermal] and R-band [visible] photometry to measure high-quality diameter and albedo with MIRSI and MOC. We will use the well-tested Near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model to model the measured spectral energy distribution of the objects. In addition, we will use our under-development MOC reduction pipeline to constrain the object's absolute magnitude, colors, and rotation period.