IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2023A064 PROGRAM_TITLE Understanding Jupiter's Dynamic Atmosphere During Juno's Extended Mission PROGRAM_INV1 Emma Dahl PROGRAM_INV2 Glenn Orton PROGRAM_INV3 Thomas Momary PROGRAM_INV4 Kevin Baines PROGRAM_INV5 Shawn Brueshaber PROGRAM_SCICAT major planets / satellites PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG Jupiter's atmosphere is a complex and highly variable system, driven by dynamical mechanisms that are difficult to characterize directly. By measuring the effects of those processes on the aerosol structure and weather patterns at the cloud tops, we will seek to understand the nature of those dynamical mechanisms. In particular, we will examine the continued evolution of the relationship between aerosol structure and color as the Equatorial Zone continues to whiten and Oval BA continues to redden. In doing so, we will probe the relationship between haze structure, the coloring agents that cause the reddening, and either upwelling or downwelling dynamical processes that might loft or sequester the haze to levels where it can be more or less easily photochemically processed. Additionally, in conjunction with Juno Microwave Radiometer measurements of brightness temperature at depth, we will monitor the North Equatorial Belt [NEB] as it undergoes an enigmatic meteorological period. We will use these observations to test the hypothesis that the weather phenomena affecting the NEB, namely revivals of its red color and low opacity as well as northward expansions, are driven by the release of convective available potential energy from levels below the water cloud [~10 bars]. Understanding the dynamics that drive the weather and storms we observe at Jupiter's cloud tops will greatly inform our understanding not only of other gas giant atmospheres, but will also make great strides to developing a comprehensive theory of meteorology in our Solar System. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END