# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Taxonomic constraints on the inner-Main Belt Primordial Family
PROGRAM_INV1 Bryce Bolin
PROGRAM_INV2 Chrysa Avdellidou
PROGRAM_INV3 Marco Delbo
PROGRAM_INV4 Alessandro Morbidelli
PROGRAM_SCICAT main-belt / Trojan asteroids
Recently, an asteroid family aged ~4 Gyrs has been discovered in the inner-Main Belt. This primordial asteroid family consists mostly of low-albedo members as determined by a combination of visible and NIR observations. The extent of the family is throughout the entire inner-Main Belt and overlaps with other low albedo families. It is possible that members of the primordial family may be related to other low albedo asteroid families in the inner Main Belt. We will investigate the possible connection between the primordial family and the members of other asteroid families with a comparative analysis of their spectra. We thus propose to obtain spectra of ~20 primordial family members over two semesters to constrain their taxonomy and spectra in comparison with the spectra of other low albedo families in the inner Main Belt.