# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Short, high-frequency observations of Io's volcanism to support the Juno mission and understand the physics of volcanoes
PROGRAM_INV1 Madeline Pettine
PROGRAM_INV2 Julie Rathbun
PROGRAM_SCICAT major planets / satellites
Io offers invaluable information regarding the Jovian system and general volcanic processes. We propose frequent, short imaging of Io's near-IR emission with SpeX to further two goals: to support the science goals of the Juno mission orbiting Jupiter and to study the physics of volcanic eruptions. We will support two of the Juno's goals: understanding Io's tidal heating and how its volcanoes influence the Jovian magnetosphere.
Past IRTF campaigns have successfully explained some of Io's volcanic behavior, but the longevity of these campaigns is critical to their success in answering key science questions. One of Juno's science goals is to constrain tidal heating models using the spatial distribution of volcanic heat flux as measured by the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapping [JIRAM] instrument. However, JIRAM's measurements of Io's volcanic flux are limited to a relatively short period of time [a few years]. We propose ground-based imaging of Io using the IRTF in order to provide additional temporal context necessary for a holistic and long-term understanding of Io's heat flow. Another goal of the Juno mission is to study interactions between the Io plasma torus and Jupiter's magnetosphere. Since the volcanic output of Io's largest eruptions is the likely source of the material [Brown and Bouchez 1997, Mendillo et al. 2004, Delamere et al. 2004], frequent observations of Io's volcanoes, such as we propose here, are also necessary to constrain the timing of material input into the system.
In addition to supporting the Juno, the IRTF is capable of measuring the time-varying brightness of the largest volcanoes of Io, whose periodic brightening and dimming is dependent on their geophysical behavior. Studying the periods and magnitudes of volcanoes like Loki is necessary to understanding the underlying physics. Frequent observations of Loki using the IRTF will constrain the underlying physical processes.