# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE [Continued] Observational Campaign of the Gefion Asteroid Family
PROGRAM_INV1 Allison McGraw
PROGRAM_INV2 Vishnu Reddy
PROGRAM_SCICAT solar system
Few linkages exist between the bodies in our solar system and the meteorites that arrive to Earth. Ordinary chondrite meteorites represent the largest quantity of arrivals [86%], however, their parent body remains elusive. The ordinary chondrites consist of three types that represent varying amounts of iron: very low iron are LL-, low iron are L-, and high iron are H-chondrites. Each type should have a different respective parent body given this and other chemical ratios. Speculation in the field has proposed that the Gefion Asteroid Family is the responsible parent for both the both the H- and L-chondrites. This study proposes to observe a larger quantity of Gefion Asteroid Family members in order to determine if they are the responsible parent of the H- or L-chondrite meteorites in the visible to near infrared wavelengths [0.7-2.5 microns] with the SpeX spectrometer. For asteroid targets that are fainter than V17.5, MORIS will be used rather than Guide Dog. We propose to observe these targets in low-resolution prism mode to constrain their surface composition and mineralogy. The goal is to obtain near-infrared spectra of 38 members from the Gefion Asteroid Family over the course of four observing semesters. We now have 13/38 as of August 2020. The technique we will be employing to constrain the surface composition of the asteroids involves the use of diagnostic spectral band parameters to obtain the abundance of iron in the silicate minerals olivine and pyroxene.