IRTF Data Archive Program Information

# # Program information file # PROGRAM_ID 2022B024 PROGRAM_TITLE Characterizing Jupiter's Deep Belt/Zone Structure in the era of the Juno mission and the JWST observations PROGRAM_INV1 Arrate Antunano PROGRAM_INV2 Leigh N. Fletcher PROGRAM_INV3 Thomas Greathouse PROGRAM_INV4 Glenn S Orton PROGRAM_INV5 Rohini Giles PROGRAM_SCICAT major planets / satellites PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_BEG TEXES 5-20-um spectroscopic mapping of Jupiter's atmosphere now spans almost a Jovian year [2012-2022], providing an unprecedented resource for understanding the cyclic changes in temperature, aerosols, and composition governing Jupiter's dynamic atmosphere. In 2022B the James Webb Space Telescope [JWST] will provide the first-ever spectroscopic maps of Jupiter in Jun-Aug or Nov-Dec 2022, while the extended Juno mission will continue to generate a wealth of breath-taking new insights. Although JWST offers unparalleled sensitivity and spectral coverage in the mid-infrared, Jupiter's angular size is so large that the MIRI instrument field of view can only sample small regional phenomena, and Jupiter is so bright that MIRI detectors will be saturated beyond 11 um, meaning that JWST cannot provide measurements of Jupiter's tropospheric temperatures. TEXES observations in 2022B thus are essential to provide global temperature maps from the tropospheric cloud tops to the stratosphere. Two observing runs close to Juno's 45th and 47th perijoves [Sept 29 and Dec 15, 2022] will provide context for microwave, optical, near-infrared and UV observations, whilst also supporting the first-ever JWST spectroscopic maps of Jupiter. Additionally, since late 2018 Jupiter's atmosphere has undergone several unusual disturbances, affecting the Equatorial Zone, the Great Red Spot [GRS], the North Temperate Belt [NTB, 21degrees-28degreesN] and the North Equatorial Belt [7degrees-17degreesN]. The proposed TEXES observations will monitor these regions, exploring short- [~months] and long-term [years] changes. In particular, proposed spectra will be inverted to [A] characterize long- and short-term variations in Jupiter's belt/zone structure, and relate these to changes observed by the MWR at deeper levels; [B] characterize the tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures and the cloud-top ammonia in and around the GRS; and [C] determine the present state of stratospheric circulation and waves to understand the coupling between tropospheric meteorology and stratospheric heating. PROGRAM_ABSTRACT_END