# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE A SpeX Look Into the Physics of Nuclear Transients
PROGRAM_INV1 Jason Hinkle
PROGRAM_INV2 Benjamin Shappee
PROGRAM_INV3 Christopher Ashall
PROGRAM_SCICAT extra-galactic
Nuclear transients, such as tidal disruption events [TDEs] and active galactic nuclei [AGN] flares promise to give detailed insight into supermassive black hole [SMBH] properties and galaxy nuclear environments. Currently however, the physics behind the observed emission is poorly understood. One notable gap in our knowledge of these nuclear transients is near-infrared [NIR] spectroscopy. The NIR provides a window into emission lines that are difficult to observe in the optical, giving additional leverage on ionization conditions and the central SMBH mass. We propose to obtain some of the first NIR spectra of nuclear transients using SpeX on the IRTF. With SpeX in PRISM mode for faint sources and SXD mode for bright sources, we will establish a sample of well-observed nuclear transients in the NIR. These observations will primarily target emission lines from H, He, and highly excited coronal lines typically seen in strong AGN. This will add much-needed context to the growing sample of exotic and ambiguous nuclear transients fueled by the recent growth of optical all-sky surveys. As the sample of TDEs with robust multi-wavelength observations grows, we can begin to fulfill the promise of using TDEs as a tool to study SMBHs at cosmological distances.