# Program information file
PROGRAM_TITLE Characterizing Jupiter's Deep Belt/Zone Structure via Juno-TEXES Comparisons
PROGRAM_INV1 Arrate Antunano
PROGRAM_INV2 Leigh Fletcher
PROGRAM_INV3 Thomas Greathouse
PROGRAM_INV4 Glenn Orton
PROGRAM_INV5 Rohini Giles
PROGRAM_SCICAT solar system
The TEXES archive of spectroscopic mapping of Jupiter's 5 to 20-um infrared spectrum now spans half a Jovian year, allowing us to study both short-term meteorological activity and long-term cyclic variations in the conditions of the belts and zones. Our 2021 observing proposal of low- and medium-resolution TEXES spectroscopy in twelve spectral settings will be inverted to map Jupiter's tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures, aerosols, and gases to provide a baseline for interpretation of Juno's remote sensing investigations during the extended mission [particularly the microwave sensing of the deep atmosphere]. Since late 2018 Jupiter's atmosphere has undergone several unusual disturbances, affecting the equatorial region, the Great Red Spot [GRS] and the North Temperate Belt [NTB, 21degrees-28degrees N]. The proposed TEXES observations will provide the opportunity to investigate how these disturbances influence the temperature and ammonia distributions. Two global maps of Jupiter are proposed near Juno's 37th and 38th perijoves to [a] provide spectral, temporal, and global context to maps produced by the Microwave Radiometer [MWR] on Juno at each perijove, [b] characterize long- and short-term variations in Jupiter's belt/zone structure, and relate these to changes observed by the MWR at deeper levels throughout the first five years of the Juno mission; and [c] determine the present state of stratospheric circulation and waves to understand the coupling between tropospheric meteorology and stratospheric heating.