Freia: VNC for Windows via SSH Tunnel

Window user can setup SSH Tunneling using PuTTy.

Note the screen shots show for fguest1 account port of 5901. Change the port number for your guest account. For example, for account fguest2 port is 5902; for fguest3 it is 5903; so forth.

Create SSH Tunnel

  1. Start putty.
  2. Expand the SSH category on the left and click Tunnels.
  3. In Source Port, enter 590N, where N is the number in your fguestN username.
  4. In Destination, enter localhost:590N, where N is the number in your fguestN username.
  5. Click Add button to store the information.
    PuTTY Configuration window for 'Options controlling SSH port forwarding'
  6. Click the Session category and enter the full hostname:
  7. To save the settings, type a name under Saved Sessions section and click Save button.
    PuTTY Configuration window for 'Basic options for your PuTTY session'
  8. Click Open button to begin the ssh session and log into freia using your fguestN account.
    PuTTY user & password prompt to log onto freia

Connect to freia via RealVNC Viewer

It is recommended you use RealVNC Viewer.

After setting up SSH tunnel as above, to connect to the remote VNC Server on freia host, open your VNC viewer; enter localhost:590N.
Password prompt in RealVNC Connect Viewer for connecting to localhost:5901

Desktop GUI on the remote host is shown in RealVNC Viewer

Support for RealVNC

Refer to RealVNC Help Center and see Using the RealVNC Help Center (get support, etc).

See also ...