Call for Proposals for the
NASA Infrared Telescope Facility

DEADLINE: Tuesday 01 October 2013

NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals. The due date for the 2014A semester (February 1, 2014 to July 31, 2014) is Tuesday, October 1, 2013. See our online form, which is available for proposal submission from 12:00AM on September 01, 2013 until 5:00PM on October 01, 2013 HST. Information on available facility and visitor instruments can be found at: Observing on-site or remote observing is available with NSFCAM and CSHELL. NSFCAM has been upgraded with a new array and controller; please see the instrument webpage for more information, including performance.

Important notice: SpeX will not be available for semester 2014A. SpeX is being upgraded with new arrays and array controllers. We plan to recommission SpeX in time for Semester 2014B. As a consequence we plan to accommodate key projects requiring large amounts of observing time using CSHELL, NSFCAM, and visitor instruments during semester 2014A.

For good photometry NSFCAM requires flatfielding with twilight sky observations. Please include the time required for this in your observing request.

C/2012 S1 (ISON) observing campaign will not be extended into semester 2014A. However we would like to continue archiving any additional comet ISON data on a voluntary basis. Information on comet ISON can be found at:

To keep our bibliography up to date and to ensure future funding of the IRTF: please check for your latest publications at:

and send to any missing references William Walters (

We appreciate an acknowledgement in your papers to the IRTF and the instrument used.