NSFCAM, a 1-5.5 micron Camera

This is the home page for the original NSFCAM using the 256x256 InSb detector. NSFCAM was used on the IRTF from Sept 1993 to Apr 2004. In 2004, NSFCAM was upgraded with at HG2R detector, and became NSFCAM2. Here is the NSFCAM2 Home page.

NSFCAM is a 1-5 micron imager with a 256x256 InSb detector. Simultaneous optical imaging is possible via an optical port. Three different magnifications can be selected by rotating different cold lens assemblies into the beam. These give plate scales of 0.3 arcsec/pixel, 0.15 arcsec/pixel and 0.06 arcsec/pixel, with corresponding fields of view of 76.8", 37.9" and 14.1" respectively. Images can be obtained through a variety of broad- and narrow-band filters, and low-resolution spectroscopy can also be carried out using the circular variable filters (CVFs) or grisms. Polarizing waveplates or grids can be inserted into the beam. The cold coronograph masks are no longer available. For coronographic observations NSFCAM can be used with CoCo, an external cold coronograph but this requires collaboration with Dr. Robert H. Brown, University of Arizona.

NSFCam News and Recent Reports

NSFCAM reports and announcements.

00/04 - Focus Values for NSFCam + Tip/Tilt Secondary.

99/10 - Updated information on NSFCam Backgrounds and Zero Points.

99/10 - NSFCam Calculators: Signal-To-Noise Calculator, Limiting Magnitude Calculator, and Exposure Time Calculator for NSFCam.

99/09 - Installation of the new Mauna Kea filter set in NSFCam.

99/06 - Preliminary results on the calibration and color terms of the new Mauna Kea infrared filter set .

98/10 - NSFCAM Timing/GPS Information (pdf file).

98/03 - Updated information on the photometric color transformations for NSFCam Filters.

NSFCam Documentation

NSFCAM User Manual (1/96) in your choice of formats (see below). Before download you may wish to review the table of contents

     User's Manual in PDF (Portable Document Format)

     User's Manual in PostScript 

The text from the NSFCAM article in March 1994 IRTF Newsletter. This article updates some camera information and status since its announcement article.

A table of approximate exposure times for dome flats with NSFCam.

A report on the pixel scale and geometric distortion in NSFCam images (courtesy of L. Sromovsky).

Notes on running NSFCam remotely from HP.

Instructions on writing macros to control NSFCam and the telescope.

NSFCam Log Sheets.

List of filters currently installed in NSFCam is available.

Filter Transmission Profiles are also available.

Reducing the effects of scattered light when observing near the Sun - from John Spencer of Lowell Observatory

nsfcamio information.

A complete listing of downloadable NSFCam information.

View the IRTF Photometric Catalogs listings.

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Maintained by Bobby Bus( sjb@irtf.ifa.hawaii.edu)