There are currently two ways of running NSFCam from HP. The first is to
control the instrument remotely from the HP machines (kelvin or helmholtz).
This is the preferred method. The second involves remotely logging in
to the summit computer (stefan) and controlling NSFCam from that machine.
To control NSFCam remotely from the HP machines,
- Log in to kelvin or helmholtz with the observer's guest account.
- camxui &
- vf &
- On the Command Line, set the TCSHOSTNAME to be machine (where
machine is either kelvin or helmholtz). (This will prevent the
telescope from moving, should the observer set the mode to Nod (AB)
while operating at HP.)
- On the Command Line, set the XUIHOSTNAME to be machine.
- Proceed with normal NSFCam operations.
To control NSFCam directly from the summit computer, while operating
on the HP machines:
- Log in to kelvin or helmholtz with the observer's guest account.
- On kelvin or helmholtz, xhost + stefan
- rlogin -l account stefan (where account is the user
account, such as guest01).
- On stefan, setenv DISPLAY machine:0.0 (where machine is
kelvin or helmholtz).
- camxui &
- vf &
- On the Command Line, set the TCSHOSTNAME to be machine. (This
will prevent the telescope from moving, should the observer set the
mode to Nod (AB) while operating at HP.)
- Proceed with normal NSFCam operations.
Since the observer is now running NSFCam directly from stefan, there is
now no need to set the XUIHOSTNAME parameter.
Bobby Bus
Last modified 17 Feb. 1999