Exposure Times for Dome Flats with NSFCam

The table below presents approximate integration times (in sec) needed for well-exposed dome flats in the JHK filters, based on empirical measurements. The voltage setting is assumed to be -3.40. Dome flats can be constructed by obtaining (1) a set of exposures with the integration times listed below, (2) a set of exposures with the integration times set to half the values given, (3) and subtracting the two sets. Observers should always first make sure that the count rates in any frame are below about 2000 DN/pixel.

Plate Scale J_MK H_MK K_MK K'_MK
0.3'' 0.7 s 1.0 s 1.6 s 3.0 s

updated: 17 Jan 2000
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