NSFCam2 Throughput Analysis
Filter microns Vega flux (W*m^-2*um^-1) Bandpass nu E(J) Photons*s^-1
J 1.250 3.01e-09 0.16 2.400e14 1.591e-19 2.140e10
H 1.644 1.18e-09 0.29 1.825e14 1.210e-19 1.999e10
K 2.198 4.00e-10 0.34 1.365e14 9.049e-20 1.062e10
L' 3.754 5.31e-11 0.70 7.991e13 5.049e-20 4.959e09
M' 4.702 2.22e-11 0.22 6.380e13 4.230e-20 8.161e08
Vega flux is from a model atmosphere, for an airmass=1 and 2mm of water nu: isophotal frequency E: energy per photon, h*nu mirror area = 7.06858 m^2 Photons*s^-1 = (flux*bandpass*area)/E
Filter Star Mag Observed count/s mag=0.00 counts/s e-/s e-/photon A
J 11.963 26650 1.625e09 6.500e09 0.303 0.440
H 11.703 37550 1.802e09 7.208e09 0.361 0.524
K 11.682 21783 1.025e09 4.100e09 0.386 0.561
L' 7.547 501600 5.238e08 2.095e09 0.422 0.613
M' 7.560 69470 7.341e07 2.936e08 0.360 0.523
e-/s: counts/s * gain (gain=4)
e-/photon = (e-/s)/(photons/s)
transmission = 0.85*0.81 (mirror reflectivity^2 * filter transmission)
A = (e-/photon)/transmission = instrument throughput * detector QE
The throughput of the camera is between ~45% and ~60%. The low sensitivity of the camera from J, H, and K is not due to a loss of photons, but must be due to the noise characteristics of camera.