A Comparison Between NSFCAM2 and SPEX
NSFCAM2 SpeX Guider
Pixel scale 0.04" 0.12"
FOV 80x80" 30x30"
Gain 4e/DN 12e/DN
Full well ~65,000 DN ~ 3,000 DN
2% linearity < 25,000 DN < 2,000 DN
Readnoise (CDS) 44 e RMS 40 e RMS
Readnoise limit ~44 e RMS ~20 e RMS
Approx. sensitivity 5sigma (Vega mags) (Seeing dependent)
J 540s 19.3 20.4
H 540s 19.6 19.8
K 540s 18.5 19.1
L' 90s 14.0 13.2
M' 92s 10.8 saturate
The excessive number of bad pixels increase the difficulty of obtaining good photometric precision (~1%). Tests on bright stars (JHK < 8 mag) dithered on the array indicate that precisions of 1-2% are achievable using daytime sky flats and replacing bad pixels using a mask. However, the precison degrades for fainter stars. (Note that
integration times for daytime sky flats are 5s at J, 8s at H. and 30s at K). Sky (or dome) flats do not work in the thermal (L' and M'). At these wavelngths dither the object and standard to reduce the RMS error or put object and standard at the same location on the array.