Xft Fonts and Rendering


Xft Fonts and Rendering -- 


PangoContext* pango_xft_get_context         (Display *display,
                                             int screen);
void        pango_xft_render                (XftDraw *draw,
                                             XftColor *color,
                                             PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);
void        pango_xft_picture_render        (Display *display,
                                             Picture src_picture,
                                             Picture dest_picture,
                                             PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);
XftFont*    pango_xft_font_get_font         (PangoFont *font);
Display*    pango_xft_font_get_display      (PangoFont *font);
PangoGlyph  pango_xft_font_get_unknown_glyph
                                            (PangoFont *font,
                                             gunichar wc);




#define PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_XFT "PangoRenderXft"

A string constant identifying the Xft renderer. The associated quark (see g_quark_from_string()) is used to identify the renderer in pango_find_map().

pango_xft_get_context ()

PangoContext* pango_xft_get_context         (Display *display,
                                             int screen);

Retrieves a PangoContext appropriate for rendering with Xft fonts on the given screen of the given display.

display : an X display.
screen : an X screen.
Returns : the new PangoContext.

pango_xft_render ()

void        pango_xft_render                (XftDraw *draw,
                                             XftColor *color,
                                             PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);

Renders a PangoGlyphString onto an XftDraw object wrapping an X drawable.

draw : the XftDraw object.
color : the color in which to draw the string
font : the font in which to draw the string
glyphs : the glyph string to draw
x : the x position of start of string (in pixels)
y : the y position of baseline (in pixels)

pango_xft_picture_render ()

void        pango_xft_picture_render        (Display *display,
                                             Picture src_picture,
                                             Picture dest_picture,
                                             PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);

Renders a PangoGlyphString onto an Xrender Picture object.

display : an X display
src_picture : the source picture to draw the string with
dest_picture : the destination picture to draw the strign onto
font : the font in which to draw the string
glyphs : the glyph string to draw
x : the x position of start of string (in pixels)
y : the y position of baseline (in pixels)

pango_xft_font_get_font ()

XftFont*    pango_xft_font_get_font         (PangoFont *font);

Returns the XftFont of a font.

font : a PangoFont.
Returns : the XftFont associated to font.

pango_xft_font_get_display ()

Display*    pango_xft_font_get_display      (PangoFont *font);

Returns the X display of the XftFont of a font.

font : a PangoFont.
Returns : the X display of the XftFont associated to font.

pango_xft_font_get_unknown_glyph ()

PangoGlyph  pango_xft_font_get_unknown_glyph
                                            (PangoFont *font,
                                             gunichar wc);

Returns the index of a glyph suitable for drawing wc as an unknown character.

font : a PangoFont.
wc : the Unicode character for which a glyph is needed.
Returns : a glyph index into font.