FreeType Fonts and Rendering


FreeType Fonts and Rendering -- 


PangoContext* pango_ft2_get_context         (double dpi_x,
                                             double dpi_y);
void        pango_ft2_render                (FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
                                             PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);
void        pango_ft2_render_layout_line    (FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
                                             PangoLayoutLine *line,
                                             int x,
                                             int y);
void        pango_ft2_render_layout         (FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
                                             PangoLayout *layout,
                                             int x,
                                             int y);
PangoGlyph  pango_ft2_get_unknown_glyph     (PangoFont *font);
int         pango_ft2_font_get_kerning      (PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyph left,
                                             PangoGlyph right);
FT_Face     pango_ft2_font_get_face         (PangoFont *font);
PangoCoverage* pango_ft2_font_get_coverage  (PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoLanguage *language);
PangoFontMap* pango_ft2_font_map_for_display
void        pango_ft2_shutdown_display      (void);




#define PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_FT2 "PangoRenderFT2"

A string constant identifying the FreeType renderer. The associated quark (see g_quark_from_string()) is used to identify the renderer in pango_find_map().

pango_ft2_get_context ()

PangoContext* pango_ft2_get_context         (double dpi_x,
                                             double dpi_y);

Retrieves a PangoContext appropriate for rendering with the PangoFT2 backend.

dpi_x : the horizontal dpi of the target device
dpi_y : the vertical dpi of the target device
Returns : the new PangoContext

pango_ft2_render ()

void        pango_ft2_render                (FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
                                             PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyphString *glyphs,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);

Renders a PangoGlyphString onto a FreeType2 bitmap.

bitmap : the FreeType2 bitmap onto which to draw the string
font : the font in which to draw the string
glyphs : the glyph string to draw
x : the x position of the start of the string (in pixels)
y : the y position of the baseline (in pixels)

pango_ft2_render_layout_line ()

void        pango_ft2_render_layout_line    (FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
                                             PangoLayoutLine *line,
                                             int x,
                                             int y);

Render a PangoLayoutLine onto a FreeType2 bitmap

bitmap : a FT_Bitmap to render the line onto
line : a PangoLayoutLine
x : the x position of start of string (in pixels)
y : the y position of baseline (in pixels)

pango_ft2_render_layout ()

void        pango_ft2_render_layout         (FT_Bitmap *bitmap,
                                             PangoLayout *layout,
                                             int x,
                                             int y);

Render a PangoLayout onto a FreeType2 bitmap

bitmap : a FT_Bitmap to render the line onto
layout : a PangoLayout
x : the X position of the left of the layout (in pixels)
y : the Y position of the top of the layout (in pixels)

pango_ft2_get_unknown_glyph ()

PangoGlyph  pango_ft2_get_unknown_glyph     (PangoFont *font);

Return the index of a glyph suitable for drawing unknown characters.

font : a PangoFont
Returns : a glyph index into font

pango_ft2_font_get_kerning ()

int         pango_ft2_font_get_kerning      (PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoGlyph left,
                                             PangoGlyph right);

Retrieves kerning information for a combination of two glyphs.

font : a PangoFont
left : the left PangoGlyph
right : the right PangoGlyph
Returns : The amount of kerning (in Pango units) to apply for the given combination of glyphs.

pango_ft2_font_get_face ()

FT_Face     pango_ft2_font_get_face         (PangoFont *font);

Returns the native FreeType2 FT_Face structure used for this PangoFont. This may be useful if you want to use FreeType2 functions directly.

font : a PangoFont
Returns : a pointer to a FT_Face structure, with the size set correctly

pango_ft2_font_get_coverage ()

PangoCoverage* pango_ft2_font_get_coverage  (PangoFont *font,
                                             PangoLanguage *language);

Should not be called directly, use pango_font_get_coverage() instead.

font : a PangoFT2Font.
language : a language tag.
Returns : a PangoCoverage.

pango_ft2_font_map_for_display ()

PangoFontMap* pango_ft2_font_map_for_display

Returns a PangoFT2FontMap. Font maps are cached and should not be freed. If the font map is no longer needed, it can be released with pango_ft2_shutdown_display().

Returns : a PangoFT2FontMap.

pango_ft2_shutdown_display ()

void        pango_ft2_shutdown_display      (void);

Free cached resources.