

GdkScreen -- object representing a physical screen


#include <gdk/gdk.h>

struct      GdkScreen;
GdkColormap* gdk_screen_get_default_colormap
                                            (GdkScreen *screen);
void        gdk_screen_set_default_colormap (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             GdkColormap *colormap);
GdkColormap* gdk_screen_get_system_colormap (GdkScreen *screen);
GdkVisual*  gdk_screen_get_system_visual    (GdkScreen *screen);
GdkColormap* gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap    (GdkScreen *screen);
GdkVisual*  gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual       (GdkScreen *screen);
GdkWindow*  gdk_screen_get_root_window      (GdkScreen *screen);
GdkDisplay* gdk_screen_get_display          (GdkScreen *screen);
gint        gdk_screen_get_number           (GdkScreen *screen);
GdkWindow*  gdk_screen_get_window_at_pointer
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             gint *win_x,
                                             gint *win_y);
gint        gdk_screen_get_width            (GdkScreen *screen);
gint        gdk_screen_get_height           (GdkScreen *screen);
gint        gdk_screen_get_width_mm         (GdkScreen *screen);
gint        gdk_screen_get_height_mm        (GdkScreen *screen);
void        gdk_screen_close                (GdkScreen *screen);
GList*      gdk_screen_list_visuals         (GdkScreen *screen);
GList*      gdk_screen_get_toplevel_windows (GdkScreen *screen);
gint        gdk_screen_get_n_monitors       (GdkScreen *screen);
void        gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             gint monitor_num,
                                             GdkRectangle *dest);
gint        gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);
gint        gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             GdkWindow *window);
void        gdk_screen_broadcast_client_message
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             GdkEvent *event);
GdkScreen*  gdk_get_default_screen          (void);
gboolean    gdk_screen_get_setting          (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             const gchar *name,
                                             GValue *value);

Object Hierarchy



GdkScreen objects are the GDK representation of a physical screen. It is used throughout GDK and GTK+ to specify which screen the top level windows are to be displayed on. It is also used to query the screen specification and default settings such as the default colormap (gdk_screen_get_default_colormap()), the screen width (gdk_screen_get_width()), etc.

Note that a screen may consist of multiple monitors which are merged to form a large screen area.


struct GdkScreen

struct GdkScreen;

This is a currently just a placeholder typedef for the first argument of the window_at_pointer function in GdkPointerHooks. It will be used when GDK gets multihead support.

gdk_screen_get_default_colormap ()

GdkColormap* gdk_screen_get_default_colormap
                                            (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the default colormap for screen.

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the default GdkColormap.

gdk_screen_set_default_colormap ()

void        gdk_screen_set_default_colormap (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             GdkColormap *colormap);

Sets the default colormap for screen.

screen : a GdkScreen
colormap : a GdkColormap

gdk_screen_get_system_colormap ()

GdkColormap* gdk_screen_get_system_colormap (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the system's default colormap for screen

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the default colormap for screen.

gdk_screen_get_system_visual ()

GdkVisual*  gdk_screen_get_system_visual    (GdkScreen *screen);

Get the system's default visual for screen. This is the visual for the root window of the display. The return value should not be freed.

screen : a GdkScreen.
Returns : system visual

gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap ()

GdkColormap* gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap    (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the preferred colormap for rendering image data on screen. Not a very useful function; historically, GDK could only render RGB image data to one colormap and visual, but in the current version it can render to any colormap and visual. So there's no need to call this function.

screen : a GdkScreen.
Returns : the preferred colormap

gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual ()

GdkVisual*  gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual       (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets a "preferred visual" chosen by GdkRGB for rendering image data on screen. In previous versions of GDK, this was the only visual GdkRGB could use for rendering. In current versions, it's simply the visual GdkRGB would have chosen as the optimal one in those previous versions. GdkRGB can now render to drawables with any visual.

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : The GdkVisual chosen by GdkRGB.

gdk_screen_get_root_window ()

GdkWindow*  gdk_screen_get_root_window      (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the root window of screen.

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the root window

gdk_screen_get_display ()

GdkDisplay* gdk_screen_get_display          (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the display to which the screen belongs.

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the display to which screen belongs

gdk_screen_get_number ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_number           (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the index of screen among the screens in the display to which it belongs. (See gdk_screen_get_display())

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the index

gdk_screen_get_window_at_pointer ()

GdkWindow*  gdk_screen_get_window_at_pointer
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             gint *win_x,
                                             gint *win_y);

Obtains the window underneath the mouse pointer, returning the location of that window in win_x, win_y for screen. Returns NULL if the window under the mouse pointer is not known to GDK (for example, belongs to another application).

screen : a GdkScreen
win_x : return location for origin of the window under the pointer
win_y : return location for origin of the window under the pointer
Returns : the window under the mouse pointer, or NULL

gdk_screen_get_width ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_width            (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the width of screen in pixels

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the width of screen in pixels.

gdk_screen_get_height ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_height           (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the height of screen in pixels

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the height of screen in pixels.

gdk_screen_get_width_mm ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_width_mm         (GdkScreen *screen);

Gets the width of screen in millimeters. Note that on some X servers this value will not be correct.

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the width of screen in pixels.

gdk_screen_get_height_mm ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_height_mm        (GdkScreen *screen);

Returns the height of screen in millimeters. Note that on some X servers this value will not be correct.

screen : a GdkScreen
Returns : the heigth of screen in pixels.

gdk_screen_close ()

void        gdk_screen_close                (GdkScreen *screen);

Closes the screen connection and cleanup its resources. Note that this function is called automatically by gdk_display_close().

screen : a GdkScreen

gdk_screen_list_visuals ()

GList*      gdk_screen_list_visuals         (GdkScreen *screen);

Lists the available visuals for the specified screen. A visual describes a hardware image data format. For example, a visual might support 24-bit color, or 8-bit color, and might expect pixels to be in a certain format.

Call g_list_free() on the return value when you're finished with it.

screen : the relevant GdkScreen.
Returns : a list of visuals; the list must be freed, but not its contents

gdk_screen_get_toplevel_windows ()

GList*      gdk_screen_get_toplevel_windows (GdkScreen *screen);

Obtains a list of all toplevel windows known to GDK on the screen screen. A toplevel window is a child of the root window (see gdk_get_default_root_window()).

The returned list should be freed with g_list_free(), but its elements need not be freed.

screen : The GdkScreen where the toplevels are located.
Returns : list of toplevel windows, free with g_list_free()

gdk_screen_get_n_monitors ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_n_monitors       (GdkScreen *screen);

Returns the number of monitors being part of the virtual screen

screen : a GdkScreen.
Returns : number of monitors part of the virtual screen or 0 if screen is not in virtual screen mode.

gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry ()

void        gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             gint monitor_num,
                                             GdkRectangle *dest);

Retrieves the GdkRectangle representing the size and start coordinates of the individual monitor within the the entire virtual screen.

Note that the virtual screen coordinates can be retrieved via gdk_screen_get_width() and gdk_screen_get_height().

screen : a GdkScreen.
monitor_num : the monitor number.
dest : a GdkRectangle to be filled with the monitor geometry

gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             gint x,
                                             gint y);

Returns the monitor number in which the point (x,y) is located.

screen : a GdkScreen.
x : the x coordinate in the virtual screen.
y : the y coordinate in the virtual screen.
Returns : the monitor number in which the point (x,y) belong, or -1 if the point is not in any monitor.

gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window ()

gint        gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_window
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             GdkWindow *window);

Returns the number of the monitor in which the largest area of the bounding rectangle of window resides.

screen : a GdkScreen.
window : a GdkWindow
Returns : the monitor number in which most of window is located.

gdk_screen_broadcast_client_message ()

void        gdk_screen_broadcast_client_message
                                            (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             GdkEvent *event);

Sends an X ClientMessage event to all toplevel windows on screen.

Toplevel windows are determined by checking for the WM_STATE property, as described in the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM). If no windows are found with the WM_STATE property set, the message is sent to all children of the root window.

screen : the GdkScreen where the event will be broadcasted.
event : the GdkEvent.

gdk_get_default_screen ()

GdkScreen*  gdk_get_default_screen          (void);

Gets the default screen for the default display. (See gdk_get_default_display()).

Returns : a GdkScreen.

gdk_screen_get_setting ()

gboolean    gdk_screen_get_setting          (GdkScreen *screen,
                                             const gchar *name,
                                             GValue *value);

Retrieves a desktop-wide setting such as double-click time for the GdkScreen screen.

FIXME needs a list of valid settings here, or a link to more information.

screen : the GdkScreen where the setting is located
name : the name of the setting
value : location to store the value of the setting
Returns :: TRUE if the setting existed and a value was stored in value, FALSE otherwise.