1. Introduction

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop-sharing system. An IRTF server is used to host many VNC desktop for observing. Observer use a vncviewer (client) to connect to these desktops to observe at the IRTF.

2. Requirements

  1. RealVNC viewer software. The IRTF only allow the RealVNC client to be used for security and compatilbity issue.
  2. Three button mouse. A three button mouse is required as the IRTF GUIs rely on the right, middle, and left button operation in it's software.
  3. High resolution monitors. A minimum of 1080p monitor is need to comfortably display the deskop. Dual monitor or 4K is recommended as observers may used multiple VNC desktops.

3. How to get the RealVNCviewer software

All users should download and install the free RealVNC Viewer on their computers. The RealVNC Viewer can be download from www.realvnc.com/download/viewer

4. Access the IRTF VNC Servers

Contact the telescope operator at (808) 974-4210 (or any IRTF staff). They will provide you with: (1) the vnc hostname and display number, (2) VNC-username, (3) vnc password. You must contact the IRTF each time you wish to connect to a VNC session to insure you are not conflicting with other users or operations.

Here is a list of display_numbers and vnc-usernames for IRTF instruments:

   Display#   VNC-Username   IRTF Instruments
      1       vnc-bigdog     Spex bigdog (spectrograph)
      2       vnc-guidedog   SpeX guidedog (guider)
      3       vnc-cartman    iSHELL cartman (spectrograph)
      4       vnc-kyle       iSHELL kyle (guider)
      5       vnc-mirsi      Mid-Infrared Imager and Spectrometer (MIRSI)
      6       vnc-moc        MIRSI's Optical Guider  
      7       vnc-felix      (under construction)
      8       vnc-opihi      IRTF's finderscope 
      9       vnc-t3remote   A Desktop to run IRTF software such as t3remote, Blue Iris, and other applications.
     10       vnc-fct        IRTF Focus Collimation Tool
     12       vnc-moris      SpeX's Optical Guider/Imager 

5. Connecting to the Servers

Once you are in communication with the IRTF staff, and have your hostname:display_number, username, and password, you are ready to connect to the VNC desktop. Start your RealVNC Viewer software on your computer.

The hostname:display should be stefan.ifa.hawaii.edu:N or . The display number is designated as N, and should have been provided to you by the IRTF staff member from whom you obtained the VNC username and password. The VNC client will prompt you for the username and password.

The IRTF does not support running VNC viewers in a browser. You must use the standalone RealVNC client.

6. Ending the VNC Session

At the end of your observing period, and after the instrument mechanisms have been moved to their closedown positions, please exit your VNC session by closing your client. No other action is required.

Please do not close down the instrument GUIs or data viewers running in the VNCs.

7. Tunning VNC via ssh

An ssh tunnel is a method of transporting data over an encrypted SSH connection. Reason for tunneling your VNC session is to add encryption, or access VNC across firewalls.

Instructions for SSH tunneling on Linux macOS, and other unix-like OSes.

Instructions for SSH tunneling on Window using putty.