

GtkListStore -- 


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct      GtkListStore;
GtkListStore* gtk_list_store_new            (gint n_columns,
GtkListStore* gtk_list_store_newv           (gint n_columns,
                                             GType *types);
void        gtk_list_store_set_column_types (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             gint n_columns,
                                             GType *types);
void        gtk_list_store_set              (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
void        gtk_list_store_set_valist       (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             va_list var_args);
void        gtk_list_store_set_value        (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             gint column,
                                             GValue *value);
gboolean    gtk_list_store_remove           (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);
void        gtk_list_store_insert           (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             gint position);
void        gtk_list_store_insert_before    (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             GtkTreeIter *sibling);
void        gtk_list_store_insert_after     (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             GtkTreeIter *sibling);
void        gtk_list_store_prepend          (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);
void        gtk_list_store_append           (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);
void        gtk_list_store_clear            (GtkListStore *list_store);

Object Hierarchy



The GtkListStore object is a list model for use with a GtkTreeView widget. It implements the GtkTreeModel interface, and consequentialy, can use all of the methods available there. It also implements the GtkTreeSortable interface so you can sort the list using the view. Finally, it also implements the tree drag and drop interfaces.


struct GtkListStore

struct GtkListStore;

gtk_list_store_new ()

GtkListStore* gtk_list_store_new            (gint n_columns,

Creates a new list store as with n_columns columns each of the types passed in. As an example, gtk_tree_store_new (3, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF); will create a new GtkListStore with three columns, of type int, string and GdkPixbuf respectively.

n_columns : number of columns in the list store
... : all GType types for the columns, from first to last
Returns : a new GtkListStore

gtk_list_store_newv ()

GtkListStore* gtk_list_store_newv           (gint n_columns,
                                             GType *types);

Non-vararg creation function. Used primarily by language bindings.

n_columns : number of columns in the list store
types : an array of GType types for the columns, from first to last
Returns : a new GtkListStore

gtk_list_store_set_column_types ()

void        gtk_list_store_set_column_types (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             gint n_columns,
                                             GType *types);

This function is meant primarily for GObjects that inherit from GtkListStore, and should only be used when constructing a new GtkListStore. It will not function after a row has been added, or a method on the GtkTreeModel interface is called.

list_store : A GtkListStore
n_columns : Number of columns for the list store
types : An array length n of GTypes

gtk_list_store_set ()

void        gtk_list_store_set              (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,

Sets the value of one or more cells in the row referenced by iter. The variable argument list should contain integer column numbers, each column number followed by the value to be set. The list is terminated by a -1. For example, to set column 0 with type G_TYPE_STRING to "Foo", you would write gtk_list_store_set (store, iter, 0, "Foo", -1).

list_store : a GtkListStore
iter : row iterator
... : pairs of column number and value, terminated with -1

gtk_list_store_set_valist ()

void        gtk_list_store_set_valist       (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             va_list var_args);

See gtk_list_store_set(); this version takes a va_list for use by language bindings.

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : A valid GtkTreeIter for the row being modified
var_args : va_list of column/value pairs

gtk_list_store_set_value ()

void        gtk_list_store_set_value        (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             gint column,
                                             GValue *value);

Sets the data in the cell specified by iter and column. The type of value must be convertible to the type of the column.

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : A valid GtkTreeIter for the row being modified
column : column number to modify
value : new value for the cell

gtk_list_store_remove ()

gboolean    gtk_list_store_remove           (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);

Removes the given row from the list store. After being removed, iter is set to be the next valid row, or invalidated if it pointed to the last row in list_store.

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : A valid GtkTreeIter
Returns : TRUE if iter is valid, FALSE if not.

gtk_list_store_insert ()

void        gtk_list_store_insert           (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             gint position);

Creates a new row at position. iter will be changed to point to this new row. If position is larger than the number of rows on the list, then the new row will be appended to the list. The row will be empty before this function is called. To fill in values, you need to call gtk_list_store_set() or gtk_list_store_set_value().

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : An unset GtkTreeIter to set to the new row
position : position to insert the new row

gtk_list_store_insert_before ()

void        gtk_list_store_insert_before    (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             GtkTreeIter *sibling);

Inserts a new row before sibling. If sibling is NULL, then the row will be appended to the end of the list. iter will be changed to point to this new row. The row will be empty before this function is called. To fill in values, you need to call gtk_list_store_set() or gtk_list_store_set_value().

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : An unset GtkTreeIter to set to the new row
sibling : A valid GtkTreeIter, or NULL

gtk_list_store_insert_after ()

void        gtk_list_store_insert_after     (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                                             GtkTreeIter *sibling);

Inserts a new row after sibling. If sibling is NULL, then the row will be prepended to the beginning of the list. iter will be changed to point to this new row. The row will be empty after this function is called. To fill in values, you need to call gtk_list_store_set() or gtk_list_store_set_value().

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : An unset GtkTreeIter to set to the new row
sibling : A valid GtkTreeIter, or NULL

gtk_list_store_prepend ()

void        gtk_list_store_prepend          (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);

Prepends a new row to list_store. iter will be changed to point to this new row. The row will be empty after this function is called. To fill in values, you need to call gtk_list_store_set() or gtk_list_store_set_value().

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : An unset GtkTreeIter to set to the prepend row

gtk_list_store_append ()

void        gtk_list_store_append           (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                             GtkTreeIter *iter);

Appends a new row to list_store. iter will be changed to point to this new row. The row will be empty after this function is called. To fill in values, you need to call gtk_list_store_set() or gtk_list_store_set_value().

list_store : A GtkListStore
iter : An unset GtkTreeIter to set to the appended row

gtk_list_store_clear ()

void        gtk_list_store_clear            (GtkListStore *list_store);

Removes all rows from the list store.

list_store : a GtkListStore.