

GtkAlignment -- a widget which controls the alignment and size of its child.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct      GtkAlignment;
GtkWidget*  gtk_alignment_new               (gfloat xalign,
                                             gfloat yalign,
                                             gfloat xscale,
                                             gfloat yscale);
void        gtk_alignment_set               (GtkAlignment *alignment,
                                             gfloat xalign,
                                             gfloat yalign,
                                             gfloat xscale,
                                             gfloat yscale);

Object Hierarchy



  "xalign"               gfloat               : Read / Write
  "yalign"               gfloat               : Read / Write
  "xscale"               gfloat               : Read / Write
  "yscale"               gfloat               : Read / Write


The GtkAlignment widget controls the alignment and size of its child widget. It has four settings: xscale, yscale, xalign, and yalign.

The scale settings are used to specify how much the child widget should expand to fill the space allocated to the GtkAlignment. The values can range from 0 (meaning the child doesn't expand at all) to 1 (meaning the child expands to fill all of the available space).

The align settings are used to place the child widget within the available area. The values range from 0 (top or left) to 1 (bottom or right). Of course, if the scale settings are both set to 1, the alignment settings have no effect.


struct GtkAlignment

struct GtkAlignment;

The GtkAlignment struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

gtk_alignment_new ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_alignment_new               (gfloat xalign,
                                             gfloat yalign,
                                             gfloat xscale,
                                             gfloat yscale);

Creates a new GtkAlignment.

xalign :the horizontal alignment of the child widget, from 0 (left) to 1 (right).
yalign :the vertical alignment of the child widget, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom).
xscale :the amount that the child widget expands horizontally to fill up unused space, from 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates that the child widget should never expand. A value of 1 indicates that the child widget will expand to fill all of the space allocated for the GtkAlignment.
yscale :the amount that the child widget expands vertically to fill up unused space, from 0 to 1. The values are similar to xscale.
Returns :the new GtkAlignment.

gtk_alignment_set ()

void        gtk_alignment_set               (GtkAlignment *alignment,
                                             gfloat xalign,
                                             gfloat yalign,
                                             gfloat xscale,
                                             gfloat yscale);

Sets the GtkAlignment values.

alignment :a GtkAlignment.
xalign :the horizontal alignment of the child widget, from 0 (left) to 1 (right).
yalign :the vertical alignment of the child widget, from 0 (top) to 1 (bottom).
xscale :the amount that the child widget expands horizontally to fill up unused space, from 0 to 1. A value of 0 indicates that the child widget should never expand. A value of 1 indicates that the child widget will expand to fill all of the space allocated for the GtkAlignment.
yscale :the amount that the child widget expands vertically to fill up unused space, from 0 to 1. The values are similar to xscale.


"xalign" (gfloat : Read / Write)

Horizontal position of child in available space. 0.0 is left aligned, 1.0 is right aligned

"yalign" (gfloat : Read / Write)

Vertical position of child in available space. 0.0 is top aligned, 1.0 is bottom aligned

"xscale" (gfloat : Read / Write)

If available horizontal space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means all

"yscale" (gfloat : Read / Write)

If available vertical space is bigger than needed for the child, how much of it to use for the child. 0.0 means none, 1.0 means all