Generic Values


Generic Values -- A polymorphic type that can hold values of any other type.


#include <gobject.h>

#define     G_VALUE_HOLDS                   (value,type)
#define     G_VALUE_TYPE                    (value)
#define     G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME               (value)
#define     G_TYPE_IS_VALUE                 (type)
#define     G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_ABSTRACT        (type)
#define     G_IS_VALUE                      (value)
struct      GValue;
#define     G_TYPE_VALUE
#define     G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY
GValue*     g_value_init                    (GValue *value,
                                             GType g_type);
void        g_value_copy                    (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dest_value);
GValue*     g_value_reset                   (GValue *value);
void        g_value_unset                   (GValue *value);
gboolean    g_value_fits_pointer            (const GValue *value);
gpointer    g_value_peek_pointer            (const GValue *value);
gboolean    g_value_type_compatible         (GType src_type,
                                             GType dest_type);
gboolean    g_value_type_transformable      (GType src_type,
                                             GType dest_type);
gboolean    g_value_transform               (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dest_value);
void        (*GValueTransform)              (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dest_value);
void        g_value_register_transform_func (GType src_type,
                                             GType dest_type,
                                             GValueTransform transform_func);
gchar*      g_strdup_value_contents         (const GValue *value);


The GValue structure is basically a variable container that consists of a type identifier and a specific value of that type. The type identifier within a GValue structure always determines the type of the associated value. To create a undefined GValue structure, simply create a zero-filled GValue structure. To initialize the GValue, use the g_value_init() function. A GValue cannot be used until it is initialized. The basic type operations (such as freeing and copying) are determined by the GTypeValueTable associated with the type ID stored in the GValue. Other GValue operations (such as converting values between types) are provided by this interface.



#define G_VALUE_HOLDS(value,type)	(G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE ((value), (type)))

Returns TRUE if value holds (or contains) a value of type. This macro will also check for value != NULL and issue a warning if the check fails.

value : 
type : 


#define	G_VALUE_TYPE(value)		(((GValue*) (value))->g_type)

Returns the type identifier of value.

value :A GValue structure.


#define	G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME(value)	(g_type_name (G_VALUE_TYPE (value)))

Returns the type name of value.

value :A GValue structure.


#define	G_TYPE_IS_VALUE(type)		(g_type_check_is_value_type (type))

Return whether the passed in type ID can be used for g_value_init(). That is, this macro checks whether this type provides an implementation of the GTypeValueTable functions required for a type to create a GValue of.

type : A GType value.
Returns :Whether type is suitable as a GValue type.


#define G_TYPE_IS_VALUE_ABSTRACT(type)          (g_type_test_flags ((type), G_TYPE_FLAG_VALUE_ABSTRACT))

type : 


#define	G_IS_VALUE(value)		(G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE (value))

Returns TRUE if value is a valid and initialized GValue structure.

value :A GValue structure.

struct GValue

struct GValue
  /*< private >*/
  GType		g_type;

  /* public for GTypeValueTable methods */
  union {
    gint	v_int;
    guint	v_uint;
    glong	v_long;
    gulong	v_ulong;
    gint64      v_int64;
    guint64     v_uint64;
    gfloat	v_float;
    gdouble	v_double;
    gpointer	v_pointer;
  } data[2];

An opaque structure used to hold different types of values. The data within the structure has protected scope: it is accessible only to functions within a GTypeValueTable structure, or implementations of the g_value_*() API. That is, code portions which implement new fundamental types. GValue users can not make any assumptions about how data is stored within the 2 element[] union, and the g_type member should only be accessed through the G_VALUE_TYPE() macro.


#define	G_TYPE_VALUE		(g_value_get_type ())

Returns the type ID of the "GValue" type which is a boxed type, used to pass around pointers to GValues.


#define	G_TYPE_VALUE_ARRAY	(g_value_array_get_type ())

Returns the type ID of the "GValueArray" type which is a boxed type, used to pass around pointers to GValueArrays.

g_value_init ()

GValue*     g_value_init                    (GValue *value,
                                             GType g_type);

Initializes value with the default value of type.

value : A zero-filled (uninitialized) GValue structure.
g_type : Type the GValue should hold values of.
Returns : 

g_value_copy ()

void        g_value_copy                    (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dest_value);

Copies the value of src_value into dest_value.

src_value : An initialized GValue structure.
dest_value : An initialized GValue structure of the same type as src_value.

g_value_reset ()

GValue*     g_value_reset                   (GValue *value);

Clears the current value in value and resets it to the default value (as if the value had just been initialized).

value : An initialized GValue structure.
Returns : 

g_value_unset ()

void        g_value_unset                   (GValue *value);

Clears the current value in value and "unsets" the type, this releases all resources associated with this GValue. An unset value is the same as an uninitialized (zero-filled) GValue structure.

value : An initialized GValue structure.

g_value_fits_pointer ()

gboolean    g_value_fits_pointer            (const GValue *value);

Determines if value will fit inside the size of a pointer value. This is an internal function introduced mainly for C marshallers.

value : An initialized GValue structure.
Returns : TRUE if value will fit inside a pointer value.

g_value_peek_pointer ()

gpointer    g_value_peek_pointer            (const GValue *value);

Return the value contents as pointer. This function asserts that g_value_fits_pointer() returned TRUE for the passed in value. This is an internal function introduced mainly for C marshallers.

value : An initialized GValue structure.
Returns : TRUE if value will fit inside a pointer value.

g_value_type_compatible ()

gboolean    g_value_type_compatible         (GType src_type,
                                             GType dest_type);

Returns whether a GValue of type src_type can be copied into a GValue of type dest_type.

src_type : source type to be copied.
dest_type :destination type for copying.
Returns : TRUE if g_value_copy() is possible with src_type and dest_type.

g_value_type_transformable ()

gboolean    g_value_type_transformable      (GType src_type,
                                             GType dest_type);

Check whether g_value_transform() is able to transform values of type src_type into values of type dest_type.

src_type : Source type.
dest_type :Target type.
Returns : TRUE if the transformation is possible, FALSE otherwise.

g_value_transform ()

gboolean    g_value_transform               (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dest_value);

Tries to cast the contents of src_value into a type apropriate to store in dest_value, e.g. to transform a G_TYPE_INT value into a G_TYPE_FLOAT value. Performing transformations between value types might incour precision lossage. Especially transformations into strings might reveal seemingly arbitrary results and shouldn't be relied upon for production code (such as rcfile value or object property serialization).

src_value : Source value.
dest_value :Target value.
Returns : Whether a transformation rule was found and could be applied. Upon failing transformations, dest_value is left untouched.

GValueTransform ()

void        (*GValueTransform)              (const GValue *src_value,
                                             GValue *dest_value);

src_value : 
dest_value : 

g_value_register_transform_func ()

void        g_value_register_transform_func (GType src_type,
                                             GType dest_type,
                                             GValueTransform transform_func);

src_type : 
dest_type : 
transform_func : 

g_strdup_value_contents ()

gchar*      g_strdup_value_contents         (const GValue *value);

Return a newly allocated string, which describes the contents of a GValue. The main purpose of this function is to describe GValue contents for debugging output, the way in which the contents are described may change between different GLib versions.

value : GValue which contents are to be described.
Returns :Newly allocated string.

See Also

The fundamental types which all support GValue operations and thus can be used as a type initializer for g_value_init() are defined by a separate interface. See the Standard Values API for details.