ID | Description | .doc | PDF or html |
1101 | MCC GUI and TO_Panel | 1101_mcc_gui_and_to_panel.doc | 1101_mcc_gui_and_to_panel.pdf |
1102 | t3remote | 1102_t3remote.doc | 1102_t3remote.pdf |
1103 | TCS3 Commands | 1103_commands.doc | 1103_commands.pdf |
1104 | Network Communications | 1104_network_communications.doc | 1104_network_communications.pdf |
ID | Description | .doc | PDF or html |
1201 | Operators Guide | 1201_Operators_Guide.doc | 1201_Operators_Guide.pdf |
1202 | Pointing Run Procedures | 1202_pointing_run.doc | 1202_pointing_run.pdf |
1203 | Determining and Using New Encoder Ratios | 1203_encoder_ratio.doc | 1203_encoder_ratio.pdf |
The above documents as 1 big PDF: tcs3_users_manual_all.pdf
Description on TPOINT: tpoint_info.pdf and the TPOINT Manual: TPOINT_manual.pdf