TCS3 Change Request Form ==================================================================== Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 Requestor: William F Golisch 1. Description of problem or improvement requested: new paddle switches 2. Requested change: New guide paddle switches required after discussion and agreement among all operators: Add toggle on side to switch between pointing and offset motions. Add push button for toggling back and forth to base. Add toggle to switch in 5 X faster paddle rates. See attached images for before and after images of changes to paddles. 3. Priority: high, medium, low no specified. 4. Response: May 27 - Denault logged request. Emailedto Tokanaga/Tolles for approval. Denault's cost estimates: Machine shop time: 4-6 hrs. Watanabe time: 4 man days. Warmbier time: 4 man days. Denault time: 3 man days. Equipment cost: about $500 July 2008 - handpaddle implemented on tcs3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------