2013 Sep 16 TCS3 Engineering (Denault, Connelley, Griep)


TCS3 pointing run. 
This run was done during the hexapod engineering. 
This is the 1st night the hexapod was installed. 
Using tcs software V130808.

1. Encoder Measurement

Not Done

2. benchmark1 

Not Done.. Did later See item #4.

3. Take Pointing Data

Starting about 9:30pm

goto zenith, stop, ape.set.pmac.
filename: pointing.dat
Pattern: Grid
Sep: 13 (gives 70 starts).

Dave finished taking data at 10:45 (it took 1:15 )
At zenith ape - encoder is: -38.9  2.6

tpoint file:  pointing.dat
.ape   file:  pointing.ape

Used tpoint to get new coefficients:
   tpoint RMS is 5883 
   Deleted the following points: 7, 8, 64, 69, 70. used test.dat
   Sky RMS =  13.57
   Will used these values.

pointing.pdf - tpoint graphs (postscript and PDF)
pointing_coeff.txt - resulting coefficients.

Sky RMS = 13.57

Updated .tcs-init with new coefficients
# coefficients from 2013/09/16 pointing run:
IH        +72.3738    
ID       -114.6424   
NP         -5.1980  
CH        -54.8530 
ME         -5.9050
MA        +20.2056     
HCES      +27.4960    
HCEC      -53.7381   
DCES     -474.0696    
DCEC     +113.4251    
FO        +25.9815   
TF         +4.6044    
TX        -53.3207    

4. benchmark1

Since the fit was bad, did a benchmark #1

goto zenith, stop, ape.set.pmac.
filename: b1.dat
Pattern: benchmark13

tpoint file:  b1.dat
.ape   file:  b1.ape

5. benchmark2

Loaded new pointing surface.

goto zenith, stop, ape.set.pmac.
filename: b2.dat
Pattern: benchmark13

tpoint file:  b2.dat
.ape   file:  b2.ape

6. b1 vs b2

Now, let's compare the 2 benchmarks:

   Here is a graph of HA error of b1.dat vs b2.dat
   gnuplot to make the graphs:
       plot   'b1.ape' using 10 with linespoints  title 'b1 HA pt.madj'
       replot 'b2.ape' using 10 with linespoints  title 'b2 HA pt.madj'

   Here is a graph of DEC error of b1.dat vs b2.dat
   gnuplot to make the graphs:
      plot   'b1.ape' using 11 with linespoints  title 'b1 Dec pt.madj'
      replot 'b2.ape' using 11 with linespoints  title 'b2 Dec pt.madj'

New coefficients look better that the old one.
Will keep the new pointing coefficients.