2011 Apr 28 TCS3 Engineering (Denault, Golisch ) Goals TCS3 pointing run. (1nd half of night, 7pm-11:30pm) 1. Encoder Measurement done during the day. DayCrew Clean/inspect gears/encoder on Apr27 (yesterday). goto zenith ape.set.pmac MP with 1600, after 2 point changed to 1200 as/s. Forgot to record HA/DEC Ape-vs-encoder error (do it next time). HA_hrs Err_HA_DEC(as) DEC_deg Err_HA_DEC(as) Save data as: r-110428.dat Data and Log can be view at: http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~tcs3/tcs3/data/encoders/ Modify TCS3 with new encoder rations. 2. benchmark1 use current tcs version v100712 (old ratios, old map). Check telescope setup: spex in the middle. chopper is on and centered. apes.set.pmac to zero encoders. filename is b1.dat pattern benchmark 13 start tracking & initialize pointing Tony recording pmac following error range to check servo tracking performance: b1_star ferr_range StdDev 1 0.269 0.050 2 0.340 0.077 3 0.355 0.060 4 0.285 0.048 5 0.372 0.066 needed to reslew 6 0.363 0.066 7 0.362 0.071 8 0.344 0.062 Dome is in the way at 19:11 ..20:10 (1hour lost). 9 0.275 0.048 10 0.299 0.050 11 0.441 0.071 12 0.456 0.079 13 0.268 0.053 Resulting benchmark data files: tpoint file: b1.dat .ape file: b1.ape 3. Take Pointing Data Switch to new TCS v110428. to used new encoder ratios. Starting at: 8:31am Goto Zenith, stop and Ape.Set.PMAC filename: pointing.dat Pattern: Grid Sep: 14 (give 60 starts). Bill finished taking data at 9:30 (about 1 hours) At zenith ape - encoder is: -42.1 17.2 tpoint file: pointing.dat .ape file: pointing.ape Used tpoint to get new coefficients: tpoint_log.dat - log of tpoint session. pointing.ps pointing.pdf - tpoint graphs (postscript and PDF) pointing_coeff.txt - resulting coefficients. Sky RMS = 17.18 Updated .tcs-init with new coefficients die, and restarted TCS to read new .tcs-init file. 4. benchmark2 Check telescope setup: apes.set.pmac to zero encoders. filename is b2.dat pattern benchmark 13 start tracking & initialize pointing tpoint file: b2.dat .ape file: b2.ape Finished b2 at 10:14pm. 5. b1 vs b2 Look at the 2 benchmarks Here is a graph of HA error of b1.dat vs b2.dat gnuplot to make the graphs: plot 'b1.ape' using 10 with linespoints title 'b1 HA pt.madj' replot 'b2.ape' using 10 with linespoints title 'b2 HA pt.madj' Here is a graph of DEC error of b1.dat vs b2.dat gnuplot to make the graphs: plot 'b1.ape' using 11 with linespoints title 'b1 Dec pt.madj' replot 'b2.ape' using 11 with linespoints title 'b2 Dec pt.madj' HA is worse (b1 std=16.1, b2 std=21.1) Dec is better (b1 std=21.9, b2 std=18.5). Pointmap performance should be about the same. Will keep the new pointing coefficients. 6. Follow up TCS Servo Tracking getting worse: no sample under 250. (some should be below 0.150) Follow up with EW; need to see if we can improve performace of TCS. Bill reporting the pointing button are slower at extreme north. Cos(dec) issue? About 5 hrs would be good for a pointing run. The number of star could be expanded from 60 to 70.