July 13 TCS3 Engineering (Denault, Griep )


TCS3 pointing run. (2nd half of night, 12am-6am)
Note: Scheduled TCS pointing run this afternoon at the techgroup meeting, so was not 
able to do work during the day (Clean/inspect gears/encoders; Encoder Measurement).

1. Encoder Measurement

started at about 00:22
goto zenith
(Opps, used MP with 1800 as/s velocity - next time use 1000 as/s)

Recorded error APE-encoder error while taking data HA encoder ratios:
  HA_hrs  Err_HA_DEC(as)
   0       -0.3
  -1        3.7
  -2       19.6
  -4       57.8
   0       -4.9
  +1       -6.6
  +2      -12.3
  +4      -23.0  -24.5   (noticed DEC APE-Encoder error, started recording it here)
   0      -18.2   -0.2
Recorded error APE-encoder error while taking Dec encoder ratios data:
(this time recording both HA and DEC errors).
  DEC_deg Err_HA_DEC(as)
   20     -18.2   -2.0
    5     -18.2   -2.2
  -10     -18.1    7.4
  -40     -18.1   25.0
   20     -18.2   -0.5
   35     -18.2   11.7
   50     -18.2   13.1
   60     -18.2   13.3
   20     -18.3    5.3
Save data as: r-100114.dat
Data and Log can be view at: http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~tcs3/tcs3/data/encoders/

Will not changes to TCS3 encoder rations, just a measurement today.

Next time record both HA and DEC error. Noticed Dec Ape-encoder errors as HA moves:
Just a quick measurement at -1.5 and +1.5 hr to confirm:
  HA_hrs  Err_HA_DEC(as)
   0       -18.0  5.3
-1.5       -8.7   4.3
+1.5      -27.2  -0.1
   0      -27.2   7.2 

2. benchmark1

Check telescope setup:
   spex in the middle.
   chopper is on and centered.
   apes.set.pmac to zero encoders.

filename is b1.dat
pattern benchmark 13
start tracking & initialize pointing

Tony recording pmac following error range to check servo tracking performance:
b1_star    ferr_range   StdDev
  1        0.151        0.035
  2        0.267        0.054
  3        0.262        0.049
  4        0.350        0.054
  5        0.181        0.032
  6        0.275        0.048
  7        0.265        0.050
  8        0.315        0.046
  9        0.183        0.033
 10        0.321        0.058
 11        0.215        0.043
 12        0.185        0.033

Resulting benchmark data files:
   tpoint file:  b1.dat
   .ape   file:  b1.ape

3. Take Pointing Data

Starting at: 1:49am

Goto Zenith, stop and Ape.Set.PMAC
filename: pointing.dat
Pattern: Grid
Sep: 14 (give 60 starts).

Dave finished taking data at 2:55am
At zenith ape - encoder is: -42.1 17.2

tpoint file:  pointing.dat
.ape   file:  pointing.ape

Used tpoint to get new coefficients:

tpoint_log.dat  - log of tpoint session.
pointing.pdf - tpoint graphs (postscript and PDF)
pointing_coeff.txt - resulting coefficients.

Sky RMS = 16.22

Updated .tcs-init with new coefficients
die, and restarted TCS to read new .tcs-init file.

4. benchmark2

Check telescope setup:
   apes.set.pmac to zero encoders.

filename is b2.dat
pattern benchmark 13
start tracking & initialize pointing

Looked like Dave's 1st star ob b2.dat was the wrong star.
(deleted 1 point from .dat file)

   tpoint file:  b2.dat
   .ape   file:  b2.ape

5. b1 vs b2

Look at the 2 benchmarks

   Here is a graph of HA error of b1.dat vs b2.dat
   gnuplot to make the graphs:
       plot   'b1.ape' using 10 with linespoints  title 'b1 HA pt.madj'
       replot 'b2.ape' using 10 with linespoints  title 'b2 HA pt.madj'

   Here is a graph of DEC error of b1.dat vs b2.dat
   gnuplot to make the graphs:
      plot   'b1.ape' using 11 with linespoints  title 'b1 Dec pt.madj'
      replot 'b2.ape' using 11 with linespoints  title 'b2 Dec pt.madj'

   HA show improvement (b2 line is flatter).
   Dec is (maybe) a little bit worse.

Will keep the new pointing coefficients.

Finished at 04:13am.

6. Follow up

TCS Servo Tracking not so good, only 4/12 sample below 0.200 (none below 0.150)
Follow up with EW; need to see if we can improve performace of TCS.

Dave indicated that the spex cross hairs position is near the north edge of the field of view. 
(10 arcsec below TOP).  It actually is out of the field-of-view for cshell. 
Dave suggest we redefine the IN position in smokey to -30 Dec of it current position.

Tony if improve TCS3 logging to show amount of correction after a slew (to monitor 
pointing map's performance)
Maybe replace map_total with  corr ha dec to .ape to show amount to peak up on after slews.