When: 2005.12.19 Who: Tony D, with Dave G (operator). What: 1st tcs3 pointing run. We are using tcs1 to run the telescope, but recording tpoint data via tcs3. 1. benchamark 1 40 stars, 16.5 degs. t13_benchmark1.dat is the tcs1_tcs3.tcl program. crashed on start #3, octal number warning, switched to 'script bm1.txt' to record data to from console. tcs3 recorded tpoint data to benchmark1.dat. Had to stop at 30 star, program gave pt.next invalid range errror after 30 stars.. looks like catalog lookup failed at calling cat search with fk5 -01:06:38.45 37:49:34.39 18000 t3_pt_cal_hadec() returned 0: index=38 sep=0, calling cat search with fk5 -01:06:32.61 19:49:34.39 18000 t3_pt_cal_hadec() returned 0: index=39 sep=0, calling cat search with fk5 -01:06:23.43 01:49:34.39 18000 *** look at the RA flag. -01? Neg RA. bm1_fixed.dat - has the FK5 position VS. TCS3 ha/dec position. 2. Running pointing with: sep=9.00 , nstars=150. Takes about 2 hrs. Reduced the data using tpoint and put into tcs3. The output from tpoint is: pointing_coeff.txt pointing.ps or .pdf 3. benchmark 2 dave took the benchmark2.dat (tcs3 tpoint file). Tony recorded position using 'script bm2.txt' & t3io info PT bm2_fixed.dat - has the FK5 position VS. TCS3 ha/dec position. 4. comparing the benchmarks: Took the FK5 catalog position & the tcs3 ptable ra,dec and create bm1_fixed.dat bm2_fixed.dat Col 1&2 are FK5 position, col 3&4 are tcs3 ptable position. Comparing the the two should indicate how well the tcs3 does the reverse transformation. And look a bm1 & bm2 should show how the new coefficients changed things. Wrote a program, bm to convert the positions to radians & subtract the FK5 - tcs3 positions. executed > bm bm1_fixed.dat > bm1_diff.dat > bm bm2_fixed.dat > bm2_diff.dat used gnuplot to graph the data: See bm.gp for gnuplot script produced the graphs. See graph1.ps/.pdf for output. ---------------------------------------------------- suggestion/fixes 1. combine commands 'add data to file + get next star + slew'. 2. fixed catalog search for RA = normalize so pt command don't issue -RA values. = fixed cat.search to normalize RA to 0 to 24. 3. increase Dec coverage to 55 in south.