Setup Notes on TimeTool GPS hilo and configuring unit for the summit
All vendor documentation is in /home/tcs3/public_html/tcs3/vendor_info/TimeTools/

1. Info

The factory defaults IP / MAC were:
   Eth0:  00:14:2d:2b:e9:cc
	Eth1: DHCP Client    00:14:2d:3b:e9:cc
The defaults user/password were: admin admin

2. Setup

Plugged eth1 into network, got local IP from DHCP.

Used web interface for remainder of setup.

1. Set admin password to k----- (see irtfadm pw.html)


2. Setup IP
   Set Eth0/hostname:   irtfgps2
	Leaving Eth1 to DHCP (unplugged)