TCS3 Opto22 Notes

These processes require a Windows NT/XP/2000 computer to run the opto22 software 'ioManager'. This software arrived with the Opto22 hardware, and can also be downloaded from the opto22 web site. The Opto22 web site is at: For convenience, the software and documentation is archived here: ioManager

1. Detailed notes for Opto22 devices

opto22_setup.html - Opto22 Ethernet Brain Setup

2. Quick notes on updating an existing opto22 configuration

How to modifying an existing opto22 configurations:

1. Run the opto22 IOmanager program.
   Open the .otg file of the device you wish to change.
   Configuration files are located at //duke/tcs3/public_html/tcs3/computers/opto22/

2. Double click on points folder to bring up the 
   'Configure I/O Points' dialog box.  Using t3fioa as an example:

        +----I/O Unit

3. In 'Configure I/O Points' dialog box, you can add/delete/change the
   module configuration& name the channels. All channels should be named
   (even unused one): if not named, the brain may ignore the channel (even if the
   module is idenified).

4. After all edits are done, save the file.

5. Under the 'Tools' menu, bring up the 'Send Configuration to the I/O Unit' dialog
   box to update the brain's configuration.