TCS3 Linux Notes ============================================================ Program's note on installation and upkeep of the OS for the t1, t2, and t1hilo computers. ---------------------------------------------------------- 0609_centos_update.html - Update to CentOS 4.4 & 2.6.9-42.0.2.EL kernel 0609_nvidia/ 0607_centos_update.html - update to 2.6.9-34.0.2.EL kernel 0607_nvidia/ 0603_centos_update.html 0603_nvidia/ 0510_centos42_update.html 0510_nvidia/ 0507_centos41_install.html 0507_nvidia/ archived_0507/ - Archived previous setup notes. Setup notes for th9 computer (hilo tach computer ) ------------------------------------------------------- 0401_t9h_setup_notes.txt Other linux stuff ------------------------------------------------------- restore_summary.html - How to restore from a backup. yum_summary.html - cheat sheet for yum.