Set up VNC server for TO account running gnome-classic

CentOS6 version of t1 used this in rc.local:
  su -c "cd; vncserver -depth 24 -alwaysshared -geometry 3750x1060 -rfbport 16000" to
The vncserver command still works in RHEL8, but is depreciated.
Here we setup the systemd service to create a vnc desktop at boot time for TO.


1. used vncpasswd to setup the .vnc/passwd file:
   $ vncpasswd   # used project password for TCS  as 'to'

2. Create the  vncserver config file:

   $ vi ~/.vnc/config    # as 'to'

      # securitytypes=vncauth,tlsvnc
      # desktop=sandbox
      # geometry=2000x1200
      # localhost
      # alwaysshared
      # session must exist in /usr/share/xsessions.XXX.desktop

3. assign a session ID to the user.
   use 10100 (16000-5900) to get port 16000 
   (as root)

      # vi /etc/tigervnc/vncserver.users


   To enable the service, then start the session

      # systemctl enable vncserver@:10100 --now

      # systemctl start vncserver@:10100 

   This help start vncservers later in the boot cycle, change the 'After' to:

      # vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service
      After=systemd-user-sessions.service plymouth-quit-wait.service

   To verify the service is started:

    # systemctl status vncserver@:10100

Some gnome-classic tweeks

Ensure gnome-tweaks is installed:
   dnf install gnome-tweaks

Access via Applications -> Accessories -> Tweeks
or gnome-tweaks

Suggested tweek:
   - focus to follow mouse (Windows -> Sloppy)
   - double click on window bar to 'shade' (Windows -> Titlebar Action Double-click to Shade).

Desktop Icons:
   copy .desktop files to ~/Desktop. Right click on them to "Allow Launching"

Add xfce desktop, use as default for 'to' account
2021/12 - Do not like gnome, so added xfce and converted the to account to xfce. 

As root install xfce:
   1. Install epl
      dnf install epel-release

   2. Install xfce
      # dnf group install "xfce"

As 'to' set the session to xfce

    vi .vnc/config 


Set some xfce defaults:
   Disable screen saver, display power management (Power Manager)
   Panel Preference -> Remove panel 2
   Window Manager -> Focus model to focus follows mouse
                  -> Advance: Double click action to shade window.