Installation of CentOS 6 on planck, planck2

Goal: Install centos 6 on planck,planck2 (MCC display computers).
      plank is only used to remotely display the MCC from t1.
Date: 2018/09


   purchased by denault from amazon/newegg on 2018/09:
   Shuttle XPC SH110R4 (H1110/LGA1151), i5-6600 CPU wHD530,
   16GB RAM (2x8GB DDR4 2133), samsung 860 EVO 250GB SSD.

   Same hardware, purchased on 2019/01.

2. DVD Install and update 

   Installation media is centos 6.10 x86 on usb.
      alt+cntl+f2 for shell; alt+cntl+f6 to return to GUI
   desired partitions are:
		sda1   50G  /              # root
   Software selection: Development Workstation
   Created local user 'to'. (TO will be a local user).

1st reboot

   Turn off selinux:
      vi /etc/selinux/config
   Turn off filewall:
      sudo system-config-firewall-tui

  # disable the network manager.
  service NetworkManager stop
  chkconfig NetworkManager off
  vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0  ## make sure ONBOOT=yes
  add to 192.168.x.x by creating /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1

  /boot/grub/menu.lst  - disable 'hiddenmenu'; remove 'rhgb quiet'


  yum update

  make droot, mroot
  fix root password.

  yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' 'KDE Desktop' 'Office Suite and Productivity'

  yum install gnuplot gsl gsl-devel vnc vnc-server ImageMagick \
      tk expect qt-devel rdist control-center-extra dump telnet \
      mysql MySQL-python sox hg mutt

IRTF Setup 

move /home/to to /home2/to. Assign project password.

/etc/hosts         - add nis servers, key tcs hostnames
/etc/resolv.conf   - add all DNS servers.
/etc/ntp.conf      - use IRTF NTP servers, and enable ntpd services: system-config-services
/etc/yp.conf       - configure and enable NIS: system-config-authentication, AND check yp.conf
/etc/nsswitch.conf - Limited nis usage
/etc/group         - add staff 500, project 501

NIS client setup:
   chkconfig rpcbind on 
   chkconfig ypbind on 
   /etc/init.d/ypbind start

nsf client setup:
   vi /etc/idmapd.conf
     Add ""
   chkconfig rpcbind on
   chkconfig rpcidmapd on
   chkconfig nfslock on
   chkconfig netfs on

/etc/auto.master, automap, auto.home  
   - custom tcs setup to allow only: to(local), tcs(remote)
   - make /home2/nologin
   - copy nfs options from yp maps definitions
make links for automounts:
   cd /
   ln -s /netdisks/htdocs
   ln -s /netdisks/irtf.backup

rc.local - add line for screen blanck:
   /usr/bin/setterm -blank 0
vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
   add: ForwardX11 yes

Now you have a computer with 'to' local account, with access to /home/tcs3.

TCS Setup 

More TO account setup:
   setup group to 10(wheel)
   window preferences
   turn off screen saver.
   make link: ln -s /home/tcs3/data /home/to/data
   setup desktop icon for start IC, MCC.
Note: ssh for the IC, use 'ssh -x' option to disable X11 forwarding. (ForwardX11 yes was set above).
      otherwise aplay  will say "audio open error: Connection refused"
      ic:  Exec=xterm -T t1 -bg gray +sb -e ssh t1 -x -l to
      mcc: Exec=xterm -T t1 -bg gray +sb -e ssh t1 -l to