Installation of CentOS 7 

Goal: Install centos 7 on tx1 (replacement for  t1hilo).
Date: 2018/02


   purchased by denault from newegg, amazon, mwave on 2018/01:
   GA-B250M-D3H LGA-1151, I5-7400 CPU,
   16GB RAM (DDR4 2133), 500GB HD(WD Black WD50003AZEX). DVD
   Seasonic FOCUS Pluse 550FX P/S
   case: Chenbro RM41300-F1 (mwave)

2. DVD Install and update 

   Note: 'black graphic' on installation screen appeared, abled to
         work around it by changing the graphics from VGA to HDMI. (1804

   desired partitions are:
		sda1  210M  /boot/efi
		sda2   52G  /              # centos7 root
		sda3   52G  /r3            # unused
		sda4  395G  /aux           # 

   Software selection: GNOME Desktop
	Installation destination: sda, I will configure partitioning
   manual parititon:
      /boot/efi 200M sda1
      /          50G sda2
      (will do other later, as installer want to assign sdaX ).
   manual config ethernet.
   start installation.
   needed to make local user 'irtf', during setup

1st reboot

     Stop & Turn off filewall:
        systemctl stop    firewalld
        systemctl disable firewalld
     Turn off selinux:
        vi /etc/selinux/config

     yum update

yum groupinstall developer-workstation-environment development scientific php office-suite  kde-desktop
yum install nano net-tools gnuplot gsl gsl-devel vnc vnc-server ImageMagick \
   tk qt-devel rdist dump telnet expect expect-devel expectk hg mutt \
    gtk2-devel MySQL-python python-matplotlib python-devel.x86_64 \
    hplip ypbind rpcbind nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib smartmontools kernel-devel

make droot, mroot
move /home/irtf (local user) to /home2, as /home will be a automount

Setup Manual IP and disable network manager

   vi  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s31f6
   Add for static IPs:
      remove DNS*

   systemctl stop NetworkManager
   systemctl disable NetworkManager
   systemctl restart network
   chkconfig network on
   vi /etc/resolv.conf            # Manaully set this up

   Setup 192.168 address: 
      vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s31f6:0

Setup Chrony - the NTP client

   vi /etc/chrony.conf
   commnet our centos.pool servers, and add:
	server     iburst
	server   iburst
	pool iburst maxsources 3
	server  iburst

   to insure chronyc was enabled:
      systemctl status chronyd
   to start and enable :
      systemctl start chronyd
      systemctl enable chronyd

   chronyc can be used to show status:
      chronyc sources        # displayinfo about current sources
      chronyc sourcestats    # Display estimation info about current sources
      chronyc tracking       # display system time information
      chronyc activity       # show the NTP sources

IRTF Setup 

Setup as NIS Client
   vi /etc/yp.conf
   vi /etc/nsswitch.conf              (note automount is files only)
   systemctl enable rpcbind ypbind
   systemctl start rpcbind ypbind

Install NFS (client and server)

      vi /etc/idmapd.conf
          Add ""

   Enable service:
      systemctl enable rpcbind
      systemctl enable nfs-server
      systemctl enable nfs-idmap
      systemctl enable autofs

   Start service:
      systemctl start rpcbind
      systemctl start nfs-server
      systemctl start nfs-idmap
      systemctl start autofs

Set up and check NIS logins, automount, etc:

   /etc/hosts              # add key TCS IP numbers
   /etc/group              # add staff:500, project:501, add to,tcs to audio group
   /etc/auto.master              # setup TCS only automounting
   /etc/automap, auto.home       # local TCS map
                                 # local TCS map

   create the /home2/nologin/.login files to logout non tcs accounts.

   # ln -s /netdisks/htdocs      /htdocs           # create needed netdisks links 
   # ln -s /netdisks/irtf.backup /irtf.backup
   # systemctl restart autofs                      # restart autofs

   You should now have login to tcs3, automount, etc.

   date or ls -l /etc/localtime to show timezone. Was ok, but can be fixed by:
   # timedatectl set-timezone Pacific/Honolulu


   Add devices to scan in conf:
      vi /etc/smartmontools/smartd.conf

   To enable service:
      systemctl enable smartd.service
   To start service:
      systemctl start smartd.service

/etc/rc.local -  Enable & add commands
   line to add: vi /etc/rc.local
      # if you screen blanck after 10 min or so, this stops it
      /usr/bin/setterm -blank 0

   To enable
      chmod u+x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
      systemctl start rc-local

copy duke authorized keys:
   scp -p duke:/root/root/.ssh/authorized_keys ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys
   vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
     add: ForwardX11 yes          (?this might be wrong, ForwardX11Trusted is used now).

Finish setting up /r3, /aux:

   gdisk /dev/sda
   n to create
      sda3, 50G,     8300
      sda4,  365.6G, 8300
   reboot so linux sees the partition

   mkfs.ext4 -v -m 2 /dev/sda3
   mkfs.ext4 -v -m 2 /dev/sda4

   blkid /dev/sda3          # used to print UUID
   blkid /dev/sda4

   Add mount to /etc/fstab   # note: used /dev/sdaX, ont UUID

TCS Setup 

Copy /aux/catalogs4 to new computer 

Create the /home2/to account.
   set group to 10 (wheel)
   login via gnome and apply this:

		yum -y install dconf-editor

		run dconf-editor (as user)
			org->gnome->desktop -> wm ->preferences
			  action-double-click-titlebar: toggle-shade
			  focus-mode: sloppy
			org -> gnome -> nautilus -> icon-view
           zoom-level: small                   # make icons smaller

		disable screen saver:
			applications -> system Tools -> setting -> privacy: run screen lock off

		Turn off screen blacking:
			applications -> system Tools -> setting -> power: set blank screen to never.

How to set run levels:

   # systemctl set-default    # run level 3 (text mode)
   # systemctl set-default     # run level 5 (GUI mode)