Installed centos6 on the t1hilo (lab computer). To upgarde the summit computer,
I will backup and restore t1hilo's image to new disk. 

This backup and restore will include both the centos4 and centos6 partition.
The default boot partition will be centos6.

on centos 4, the disk are /dev/hdb
on centos 6, the disk are /dev/sda

Partition setup for disk:
	/dev/sda1   20G   /      for centos4  (or /r1)
	/dev/sda2   20G   /      for centos6. (or /r2)
	/dev/sda3   20G   /aux   catalog, home
	/dev/sda4   rest  /aux1  (unmounted).

Created backup for t1hilo on all partitions in /irtf.backup/t1hilo/120530*

Here this the restore of both centos6 and 4 to a new disk:

1. Physical replace old disk with new one in the PC.

2. Boot from CentOS 6 DVD. (.686 32-bit linux).
   boot 'rescure from installed system'
	select from DVD.
	enable IP/4 support.
	start a shell.

	mount irtf_backup
	   # mount -o nolock basking:/irtf.backup  /irtf.backup

	Partition/Format disk:

	  # fdisk /dev/sda
	  (create 4 partition, 20G, 20G, 20G, and the rest).

     note: some disk are ext3 as the disk still has centos4 on it.
	  # mkfs.ext3 -v -m 3 /dev/sda1
	  # mkfs.ext4 -v -m 3 /dev/sda2   // only centos6 boot disk is ext4.
	  # mkfs.ext3 -v -m 3 /dev/sda3
	  # mkfs.ext3 -v -m 3 /dev/sda4
3. Restore

   mount your drives
	# mkdir /r1
	# mkdir /r2
	# mkdir /aux 
	# mkdir /aux1
	# mount /dev/sda1 /r1
	# mount /dev/sda2 /r2
	# mount /dev/sda3 /aux
	# mount /dev/sda4 /aux1

	restore centos4 boot partition:
	# cd /r1
	# restore rvf /irtf.backup/irtf.backup/t1hilo/120530.r1.zdump

	restore centos4 boot partition:
	# cd /r2
	# restore rvf /irtf.backup/irtf.backup/t1hilo/120530.root.zdump

	restore centos4 boot partition:
	# cd /aux
	# restore rvf /irtf.backup/irtf.backup/t1hilo/120530.aux.zdump

4. setup grub

   # /r2/sbin/grub
	> root (hd0,1)                note: sda2 is hd0,1
	> find /boot/grub/stage1
	> setup (hd0)                 This command install GRUB on MBR
	> quit

5. check:


If you have problems with the network, some suggest not using the Network Manager:
   chkconfig NetworkManager off
	services NetworkManager stop
	yum remove /*NetworkManager\*