Notes on setting up the t9h (TCS3 LabMotor Tachometer Computer) Date: 2008/05 1. General Info Partitions: 8GB IDE Flash disk /dev/hda1 - swap 512MB /dev/hda2 - / ~3.7 GB - / (CentOS 5.6 installation) /dev/hda3 - /r1 ~3.4 GB - / (restored slackware installation from older harddisk) 2. Tried installed centos5.1 using CD-ROMs (DVD boot didn't work). Centos 5.1 failed on numerious tries, then when to centos 4.6. 4.6 installed, rebooted. (minimal install, no gonome or kde, used 2.0g of space). Did a 'yum update' , rebooted. Edit and fix: /boot/grub/menu.lst tweeks: /etc/fstab fixes system-config-authentication system-config-services Enable ntp, nfs, automount, nis Disable sendmail, cups. 3. Get sim_tac working Install slalib, esla, 4. Restore my slackware OS. ==================================================================