Installation of Fedora Core 3 with kernel-2.6.9-1.681_FC3.
Currently using WinXP & fedora 2.
Date: 2004/12

0. BIOS notes from previous installation:

   Ethernet still did not work. IRQ 0 was being assigned to
   some devices. Set bios to assume non-PNP OS to get IRQ assigned.
    BIOS -> BOOT -> Plug&Play OS -> NO

1. General Info

      /dev/hda1 - WinXP    10 GB
      /dev/hda5 - swap      1 GB
      /dev/hda6 - /        10 GB  - Fedora Core3 (ext3)
      /dev/hda7 - /r1      10 GB  - Fedora Core2 (ext3)
      /dev/hda8 - /aux    ~50 GB  - Rest of disk. (ext3)

   As of FC3 we do not need to recompile the kernel source for TCS.
   Previously these item require the kernel sources:

      1. build kernal modules -> new makefile in v0412xx do not require /usr/src/linux
      2. Installing nvidia driver for twinview -> now we do not need to modify
         the kernel to use the driver.
      3. mqueues maxmsg default to low -> use the /proc fs interface the modify parameter.

2. General Installation 

    reinstall grub - /hda6/boot/grub hold boot menu.
    SMP failed to boot, used non-smp kernel.
    Need to removed mounting of /r0 in core2 - as core3 ext3 /r0 cannot 
       be mounted at boot time. (need newer fsck.ext3).

3. general admin setup/fixed:

   /etc/passwd - make accounts: to, tcs3
   /etc/ntp.conf - fix. Setup to slave of duke. (system-config-services)
   Use device name rather that labels -> /etc/fstab

   Enable NIS and limit tables to hosts, netgroups.
      edit nsswitch.conf
      add duke to  /etc/hosts

   Enable nfs. (system-config-services)

   Set up autofs
      /etc/automap   for /htdocs, /irtf.backup
      /etc/auto.home for user accounts.

      # ln -s /netdisks/irtf.backup /irtf.backup
      # ln -s /netdisks/htdocs      /htdocs

   Enable XDMCP. (system settings->login screen->XDMCP, or gdmsetup)

4. Apply all updates:

   Install apt & synaptic.
   up2date can also be used for updates (kernel update).

5. Install nvidia drivers to allow duel monitor operations.
   See 0412-nvidia

6. Setup for TCS3 

   Install /src/slalib 
           libir1 (use latest source copy from Tony Denault).

   Setup /etc/rc.local
       1. Add command to modify mqueue defaults for tcs3.
       2. load the pmac.ko module at boot time.
       3. set permission on /dev/dsp to allow tcs3 sounds to play.

   create /dev/pmac node:
      #  mknod --mode=666 /etc/udev/devices/pmac c 66 0

7. MISC tweeks

   grub.conf tweeks:
     remove 'rhgb quiet' remove the graphical option.
     add 'vga=788' to enhance the vga text mode. 
     comment hiddenmenu to show OS selection menu.

9. With FC3 we didn't need to re-compile the kernel. However, I
   obtain the kernel sources changed from FC2 to FC3. These note
   show you how to download, install & compile kernel source.
   Example using kernel version 2.6.9-1.681_FC3 for Fedora Core3.

   Following the direction in the release notes for getting source tree:

   # rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.9-1.681_FC3.src.rpm
   # cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
   # rpmbuild -bp --target=i686 kernel-2.6.spec     <-- slightly difference from the release notes
   # cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD

   Kernel soures is located in /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.9/linux-2.6.9/
   Copy the tree to /usr/src/linux-2.6.x

   # cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.9
   # tar cf - linux-2.6.9  | ( cd /usr/src; tar xf - )

   Then proceed as usual.

   # cd /usr/src
   # ln -s linux-2.6.9 linux-2.6

   # cd /usr/src/linux-2.6
   # make clean
   # make mrproper
   # make oldconfig    -> generate a .config file based on the running kernel
   # make bzImage
   # make modules
   # make modules_install
   # make install

   For some unknown reason it calls the kernel '2.6.9-prep'
   The kernel name can be modified by editing /usr/src/linux-2.6/Makefile
