Notes on setting up the t9h (TCS3 LabMotor Tachometer Comper) Date: 2004/01 1. General Info Setup our 3 TCS computer: Partitions: /dev/hda1 - WinXP 10 GB /dev/hda2 - swap 128 GB /dev/hda3 - / ~4.7 GB - / (for fedora 1.0 normal installation) /dev/hda4 - /r1 ~4.4 GB - / (for fedora 1.0 minimal installation) IP: t1 t2 t1hilo 2. Install WinXP Install XP on 10 GB partition. Admin Stuff: User accounts(tcs3), Network config, Apply all windows updates, and drivers installs. Install SSH, make samba work. Install mcafee virus scanner & scan. 3. Install the RetHat (Fedora 1.0) Use CD slackware to create/set partitions for Linux. Install using fedora core 1.0. 4. general admin setup/fixed: /etc/passwd - make accounts: to, tcs3 /etc/ntp.conf - fix. Setup to slave of duke. For T1 use irtfgps1. (redhat-config-services) Use device name rather that labels -> /etc/fstab, /boot/grub/menu.lst Enable NIS and limit tables to hosts, netgroups. (redhat-config-authentication) mounting points for /duke, /htdocs, irtf.backup /home/tcs3 should link to /duke/home/project/tcs3. 5. Misc stuff Apply all updates: Apt_summary.txt - for details Accounts: tcs3 - tcs development account. Modified /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm to get backspace key to work in xterms: Delete line 151: Delete: string(0x1b) string("[3~") \n\ 6. In /dev/hda4, install minimial fedora 1.0 system. We will modify this partition for the tach computer application. 6.1 - Repeat steps 3-5 for this paritition but, - no nis -> use host tables. - use 'setup' disable: apmd autofs gpm sendmail, enable: ntpd 6.2 - Repeat steps 3-5 for this paritition but, 7. updated to 2.6.1 1. get kernel from # cd /usr/src # bunzip2 -c /path/linux-2.4.18.tar.bz2 | tar xvf - # cd linux-2.6.1 # make clean # make mrproper # make oldconfig # make bzImage # make modules # make modules_install # make install