Date: Sept 9/7/2012
Goal: Seup e100 individually and see of motor work.

1.  Node 0xF0 (240) 

Uncabled ethernet.

Attached USB Cable, powered ON.
Start workbench, start new project.
Reset memory to factory defaults.
Drive Setup:
   DC bus Sharing: Stand-alone drive.
   Motor Type: AC brushless (rotary)
Drive Setup:
   DC bus Sharing: Stand-alone drive.
   Motor Type: AC brushless (rotary)
      Select motor by Catalog Number: BSM 100C 3150 BA  (Spec # is S4 P 160 W 107)
		Motor Feedback:
			Encoder Channel: Encoder2
			Feedback type:   Resolver
			Resolution:      1024 x 4 = 4096 counts per rev

Operating Mode:
   control mode: position 
	App. Max. Speed:   1141 RPM

   AutoTunes says: "4063 - Encoder fault"

fix brake IO configuration:
   OUTPUTACTIVELEVEL(0) = 0       ' need to set DOUT1 to active low.
	MOTORBRAKEMODE(0) = 1          ' 1 activates motor brake control
	MOTORBRAKEOUTPUT(0) = 1        ' assigns motor brake  to DOUT1

   AutoTune Error: 4012. Encoder resolver rotation sense is wrong.
	Try again.... success!
		KVProp: 5.537310
		KVInt: 418.451294 
		KProp: 14.421065  
		Kint: 0.0000000  
		KDeriv: 0.0000000  
		KVelFF: 841.00000  

2.  Node 0x64 (100) 

Attach USB cables.
Start with factory defaults.
Drive Setup:
   DC bus Sharing: Stand-alone drive.
   Motor Type: AC brushless (rotary)
      Select motor by Catalog Number: BSM 100C 3150 BA  (Spec # is S4 P 160 W 107)
		Motor Feedback:
			Encoder Channel: Encoder2
			Feedback type:   Resolver
			Resolution:      1024 x 4 = 4096 counts per rev

Operating Mode:
   control mode: position 
	App. Max. Speed:   1141 RPM
	Position Speed: 77950 c/s
	Accel Time to Speed: 12000 ms.
	Dec   Time to Speed: 12000 ms.

   axis 0 errors:
	   over speed trip
		fatal following error exceeded.

fix brake IO configuration (using workbench parameters screen):
	DigitalOutput->OutputActiveLevel = 1     ' set (bit1) to 0 (or mask = 01b).
	Motor->motorbrakemode = 1                ' 1 activates brake control
	Motor->MotorbrakeOutput = 1              ' assigned motor brake to DOUT1

AutoTunes ... sucessful:
		KVProp: 8.762444
		KVInt: 657.128906 
		KProp: 14.329973  
		Kint: 0.0000000  
		KDeriv: 0.0000000  
		KVelFF: 841.367249 

3.  Node 0x65 (101) 

Attach USB cables.
Start with factory defaults.
Drive Setup:
   DC bus Sharing: Stand-alone drive.
   Motor Type: AC brushless (rotary)
      Select motor by Catalog Number: BSM 100C 3150 BA  (Spec # is S4 P 160 W 107)
		Motor Feedback:
			Encoder Channel: Encoder2
			Feedback type:   Resolver
			Resolution:      1024 x 4 = 4096 counts per rev

Operating Mode:
   control mode: position 
	App. Max. Speed:   1141 RPM
	Position Speed: 77950 c/s
	Accel Time to Speed: 12000 ms.
	Dec   Time to Speed: 12000 ms.

   axis 0 errors:
	   Unable to Enable "Drive Enable"

fix brake IO configuration (using workbench parameters screen):
	DigitalOutput->OutputActiveLevel = 1     ' set (bit1) to 0 (or mask = 01b).
	Motor->motorbrakemode = 1                ' 1 activates brake control
	Motor->MotorbrakeOutput = 1              ' assigned motor brake to DOUT1

AutoTunes ... sucessful:
   AutoTune Error: 4012. Encoder resolver rotation sense is wrong.
   EW found encoder wires were not shielding properly, and caused these error.
	After sheidling the cable, this unit passed the autoune.

Trouble shoot note 
EW was able to trouble shoot this issue 24Sept
He was able to determine encoder wiring was fine. Then suspected the 
brakes could be an issue, and it was.  Needed to do:

OUTPUTACTIVELEVEL(0) = 1      ' need to set DOUT1 (bit 1) to active low(0).  
										' DigitalOutput->OutputActiveLevel = 0 or 1
MOTORBRAKEMODE(axis) = 1      ' 1 activates motor brake control   Motor->motorbrakemode = 1
MOTORBRAKEOUTPUT(axis) = 1    ' assigns motor brake  to DOUT1     Motor->MotorbrakeOutput = 1