Dome Servo PC is the window PC used to run the workbench software used to configure,
and monitor the e100 drives. These are the setup note for the PC.

Any Win7 PC is capable for this task as it requires running the following applications:
   Mint WorBench (5704)  by Baldor UK
   Tight VNC by GavSoft LLC.
   SyncBack by 2BrightSparks

Th current dome-servo-pc is a
   Dell Vostro 270, i3-3320 CPU, 4GB RAM, 64bit windows
1. Window Setup

  The user is 'irtf'.
  irtf->MyDocuments -> My Mint contains all the data files related to the e100 setup,
   e100 code application code, and archived. A "My Mint-Shortcut" was created on the

   A README.txt file located here document all change to the e100.

2. Mint WorkBench

  Downloaded Mint WorkBench Build 5704 Setup.exe on 12/08 - and installed.
  Downloaded MotiFlex e100 Build 5633.msx - Firmware for e100
  These downloads are archived in the vendors directory (~tcs3/tcs3/vendor_info/Baldor/).

  3 Instances of the workbench is normally running on the PC. Each on connected
  a controller (FO, 01, 02).

3. Tight VNC

  Tight VNC is used so we can connect to the consolt remotely.
  Set incomming connection Main server port to 16000
  Require VNC authentication and use project password.

4. SyncBack

   SyncBack is used to copy the "My Mint" directory to the TCS3 account.
   Syncback is manully run after any change to the e100 are done, or new archive created.

   A profile is setup to backup C:\User\irtf\DocumentsMy Mint\ to \\duke\tcs3\dev\ic\fio_e100\My_Mint\

5. Misc

   Other applications were installed for convenience, but are not necessary:

      Adobe Acrobat