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The basic trigonometrical and numerical facilities are supplied in both single and double precision versions. Most of the more esoteric position and time routines use double precision arguments only, even in cases where single precision would normally be adequate in practice. Certain routines with modest accuracy objectives are supplied in single precision versions only. In the calling sequences which follow, no attempt has been made to distinguish between single and double precision argument names, and frequently the same name is used on different occasions to mean different things. However, none of the routines uses a mixture of single and double precision arguments; each routine is either wholly single precision or wholly double precision.

In the classified list, below, subroutine subprograms are those whose names and argument lists are preceded by `CALL', whereas function subprograms are those beginning `R=' (when the result is REAL) or `D=' (when the result is DOUBLE PRECISION).

The list is, of course, merely for quick reference; inexperienced users must refer to the detailed specifications given later. In particular, don't guess whether arguments are single or double precision; the result could be a program that happens to works on one sort of machine but not on another.

String Decoding

Sexagesimal Conversions
Angles, Vectors and Rotation Matrices
Precession and Nutation
Proper Motion
FK4/FK5/Hipparcos Conversions
Elliptic Aberration
Geographical and Geocentric Coordinates
Apparent and Observed Place
Azimuth and Elevation
Refraction and Air Mass
Ecliptic Coordinates
Galactic Coordinates
Supergalactic Coordinates
Numerical Methods

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SLALIB --- Positional Astronomy Library
Starlink User Note 67
P. T. Wallace
25 January 2000