TCS3 Design - Lab System
04_Lab_System.doc - Describes the Lab System in detail for the TCS3
Fig46_axis_info.vsd - reference for the orientation and units of HA and DEC Axes.
IRTF_simplified.vsd - A simple diagram of the telescope, encoeder, and motor.
LM_overview1.jpg - diagram of the PCI Servo Controller Board, motors, gears, and encoder.(LM_overview1.vsd)
LM_overview2.vsd - shows the connection between T3, T3 electronics, motor, and encoder.
electronics_docs - Schematic diagrams of the wiring of the TCS3 Lab System.
mechanical_docs - Contains assembly notes and pictures, mechanical drawings, and several hand written coduments of drawings/notes/calculations.
vendor_information - To be filled in later...