Week of Feb 11.

Monday in hilo
  Check e100 parameters to insure we have sane and consistent parameters.
  All current are at foldback, with peak duration at 3.00 seconds.
  Brake only on Master, other disabled. (This was a bad ideal - fixed on tuesday).

Tues at the summit

  Position PID back to autotune range: KPROP=14, KVelFF=841.
  Velocity PID to KVPROP=10, KVINT=100.

Running Iirtf-epl-vel.mnt "Independent Velocity" program.

When controller are reset
  FIO A, B, C, D, E, MC goes offline for a second.
  Ask Eric about this: high AMP reading on old system: mcc.jpg  (opp blurry)

Problem with brakes, enable all brake control....

Data for: kvprop=10 kvint=100

0.2v t1-v0.2.png    (grinding speeds)
  2v t1-v2.0.png    (20% speed)
  5v t1-v5.0.png    (50% speed)
 10v t1-v10.0.png  (100% speed)

10v had overspeed error, due to lack of time change testing to 10v to  8v
Data for: kvprop=10 kvint=0

0.2v t2-v0.2.png 
  2v t2-v2.0.png 
  5v t2-v5.0.png 
  8v t2-v8.0.png 

Data for: kvprop=15 kvint=0

0.2v t3-v0.2.png 
  2v t3-v2.0.png 
  5v t3-v5.0.png 
  8v t3-v8.0.png 

Data for: kvprop=20 kvint=0

0.2v t4-v0.2.png 
  2v t4-v2.0.png 
  5v t4-v5.0.png 
  8v t4-v8.0.png 

Quick look seem like kvprop of 10 with some I is good.
Set thing back to P=10, I=50

g1.png  - this graph at 0.2 volts showthe ADC at 1.0% (0.1v) when brakes
are off, then 3% during move. Why the jump at 0 to 1.0?
Looks like a 0.1 volt offset between TCS and E100.

Change .mnt program so,
   volts < 0.3 is vel 0.0    
   volts < 0.5 is vel 0.2365

Ratio Test 

Start: DomeAz=55.2   Pos.0=-1484.4751  pos.1 -1197.3947 pos.2=-1236.4792
Move Dome Left 
Stop:  DomeAz=299.4  Pos.0=+1510.1636  pos.1=+1803.4382 pos.2=+1767.9490
Distance Move =115.8 deg    2994.6387         3000.8329        3004.4282
Ratio:                      1.00000000        0.99793584       0.99674164

Deg2UU - Somthing is wrong here data ... Distance in deg and pos.0 does 
         not match. Need to retake.

Test Dome Speed for re-surfacing

Measure slow velocities, press START and STOP in manual mode.

Press Start: Vel=0.25 Pos.0=1646.3560 barcode=574  Time=2:17:30

 analog input is 0.36
 There are 8 barcode in 10inch, or 1.25" per barcode.
g2.png  - velocity plots while moving
g3.png  - another plot, 125ms duration.

Press Stop: Vel=0.25 Pos.0=1756.4424 barcode=516  Time=2:25:30

   moved 110 Revs in 470 sec, or 0.234042 Rev/Sec
	Or 58 barcode in  7.883 min, or 9.19700 inches/min.

another measurement whith stopwatch while moving
   barcode start=509  stop=455  elapse_time: 7:20

   (509-455)*1.25/ (7+20./60), or 9.2045 inches/minutes.

To check Deg vs. Rotation:
   We moved: 58 barcode * 0.2 deg/barcode , or 11.6 deg.
	Number of Rev were: 1756.4424-1646.3560, or 110.086 Revs
	The give us an estimated gear ratio of 360*110.086 /11.6, or 3416.5 (close to the 3424.25 calulation).

Thur Feb 13 - Hilo work

E100  new max drive speed is now 2.5 deg/s or 23.77 Rev/S, that 25% high that our
intended max velocity of 2.0 deg/s, or 19.02 Rev/S.

Remeasure axis ratios

Dome at 135.2 deg barcode=1446  Motors at    0.00    0.00    0.00
Move Right to ~225 (90 deg).
Dome at 226.2 deg barcode=1011  Motors at  865.4285 859.8472  856.5571
pos.x/pos.0 give these ration:               1.000  0.993550  0.989749

Moved 91.0 deg, 865.42 Rev, so 360*865.4285/91.0=3423.67 ration (close to 3424.25 given by MorganB.)
Changed ratios to be:
Put new ratios in the irtf-epl-vel.mnt program on the Master Controller.

Tuning 11am with Bob Hastie.

Starting with KVPROP=10 KVINT=50

Change to     KVPROP=10 KVINT=25
	5v t5-v5.png 
  10v t5-v10.png  - a little low on achieving desire velocity, but it's ok.
  10v t5-v10-1.png  - another 10v move, some lag in velocity. Spikes up to 21 Rev/s.

Record vel, tourque data

Current measurement

   2v t6-v2.png zoom in:    t6-v2-zoom.png 

   5v t6-v5.png mcc  screen t6-v5-tcs.png v5 dropp speed, don'w know why.

  10v t6-v10.png 

another set
   2v t7-v2.png mcc  screen t7-v2-mcc.png 
   5v t7-v5.png mcc  screen t7-v5-mcc.png 
  10v t7-v10.png mcc  screen t7-v10-mcc.png 

10 v graphs looks like new motors don't have enought power to maintain veloicity? Current
folded back to 11.5amp, kept going but velocity has was reduced.

Another graph, but looking at Total current AND Torque producting current on axis0 on workbench.
  10v t8-v10.png mcc  screen t7-v10-mcc.png 

Used new motor to return to stow position.
  Had an over voltage trip on AXIS2. Code 10016
Dome at 137.0 Position: -650.73 -672.13 -683.72


Can workbench export the scope data?
mcc2 bar graph: like the details with Motor rate, DriveRated, MotorPeak
fio_e100 or smpp: record some data.
what is over voltage trip 10016

Take picture of some scanner, cabling, label on boxes.

Update on scheamatic
Labeling of hardware at the summit.