Starting in 2011 4Qtr, the IRTF started experiencing many dome stall. Due to  mechnical
issue with the dome. Part of the plan to address these stalls was an upgrade to the
dome servo system and motor. The upgrade would provide double the tourque to the drive
system that moves the dome. The documents for the Upgrade Project Review is archived here:

Feb 2012 

Dome Drive Electronics Upgrade Review - A review on upgrading the dome motor was held.

Original google doc link, and a local copy is provide.

1. Dome Drive Servo Upgrade Project:
   PDF: DomeDriveServoUpgradeProject.pdf

2. Technical analysis of various aspects of the system:
   PDF: Dome Servo Upgrade - Motor Driver Technical.pdf

3. Specification. (Quite generic, but it lists a few important specs):
   PDF: DomeDriveServoSpecifications.pdf

4. email thread about the review:
   PDF: 2012-02-review-email.pdf

The motor hardware was purchased. Arrived in March.

Mar 2012 

On Mar27, EW held another review on installation. As contracts are need to write up the IRTF, and
other support hardware is need to be purchased. Here are the review documentations:

   A hardware diagram of the baldors hardware:
   PDF: DomeServoUpgradeSystemDiagram.pdf

   The slide presenatation:
   PDF: DomeServoUpgradeReviewasof3_27_12.pdf

Sept 2012 

The project been progressing slowing, due to commitments to instrumentation work.
Here a quick update as of Sept 5, 2012

   1. Baldor hardware has been wire up in the IRTF lab for testing/development. (done Aug 2012)

   2. IRTF Facility electrical work for the servo system has been completed.
      The consist of running the cable for the motors in the facility, and relocated
      and electrical panel int the TCS room for the dome controller/amplifiers.
      Done Aug 2012.

   3. Some software work has started:
      * Communication between TCS and Baldor using MIN API access vai TCP/IP implemented on TCS.
      * Attempts a getting the motor configured/working has started (no results yet).

   4. General implementation plan:
      * configure dome servo system in hilo. Test interact with hilo TCS system.
      * install a summit
      * Schedule day-time work to:  switch motors, test/tune, switch back.
      * after full commissioning, remove old servo system.
      * Important to avoid scheduled telescope down time for dome servo work.

At this time, we contacted baldor to seek assistance with configurtion and deploying
their system.  Here are some documents for this meeting.

1. 2012/09 documents:
   ./1209/DomeServoSystemDiagram.pdf wiring diagram.
   ./1209/servo-config-requirements.html general requirement.
   ./1209/irtf.mnt current mint program.

2. Picture for current Lab setup: 1209-pics

3. 06Sept Phone conversation with Krieg Richards at Laldor-LAX

  Made contract the Mr. Krieg Richards asking for assistance with our servo project. We are
  stuck getting the motor to pass it's autotuning configuration screen. At Krieg's
  suggestion, we remove the EPL setup to configure and test each controller as a
  stand alone unit. We did find some problems:
    1. Need to configure the IO setup for the brakes. Brake were not releasing.
    2. Because the equipment is setup in the lab, some of the wiring is just
       temporary. The revolver cabling was not shielded all the way to the controller. - fixed.
    3. A wiring mistake was found on node 101 related to the AENB input.

    Eric clear up the error. Tony put the controller back on the EPL network.

Oct/Nov 2012

Spend a couple of month trying various configuration (standalone, EPL, velociy,
etc.) Did not seem to make much progress.

1. 2012/09 documents:
   Google doc link of the wiring diagram (unchanged for > 75 days):

   ./1210/ Oct notes concerning the system while talking with k.richards (baldor).
   contains: plan.html - Oct Plan.
             irtf.mnt - courrent mint program: EPL+COMMS_LOOP+COMMS_event.
             phone meeting notes.

Had a few phone meeting with K.Richards and he indicate a proposal with JR, then
another 3rd party integrator was in the work - but never received anything.
Starting searching for another 3rd party intergrator. 

Also, spex instrument purchasing and Probems with the MORRIS camera took away some time in

Dec 2012

Contacted Able-Baker Automation (Moraga, CA) for assistance with the baldor configuration/programming.
Documents realated to his effort is here:./1212-able-baker

Jan 2013
Able to get the Baldor E100 working together with EPL+FollowMode, and communications with 
the TCS. On Jan 22 we transported the system to the summit, and installed the
hardware. I took 6 man-days to wire up, troubleshoot, and run the AutoTuning
procedures. Some pictures here: ./1301-dome-install

Feb 2013
Working on getting the system operational this month for the March rail grinding.
Did a test run on Feb05/06 to test various control modes. Details here:

Apr 2013
Rail Resurface is tentatively schedule after apr 22 due to lots or day observing 
in march/apr. And shutter contractors are doing shutter AC power upgrade during
non-daytime observing in March / early April.

Many AMP failures with the old system in April. Running the system a max power ~35 AMP 
the normal night time mode. 
Apr 14 - Another AMP failure, lack of spares due to previous AMP failure and ET unable.
Rather that closing the new system was put into use for Apr 14 night observing..

Still having mechnical issues, but the new system is working wth AMP >20-25 to get by
hard spots.

July 2013

Dome increasing needs more torque to power pass hard spots. AMP increasing to >25, and
some dome stalls occuring.

July 9,10,11 - Dome Rail Resurfacing was done. 
Dome able to move with AMP under 10...only a few value in the 10-15 AMP range.