This is the documentation for the mrlog program/current usage. Code written 6-6/8-95 by Steven S Smith. Documentation written 6-8/14-95. Installed on telescope between 6-9-95 and 6-15-95 by Tony Young, Eric Pilger, and the unsung daycrew heros (someone really should sing to them). Program details: typically the program is invoked simply with `mrlog`. Currently this program has no arguments. Changing the serial port/baud/etc for the microridge, as well as changing the virtual tcs hostname/number has to happen in the mrlog script. This program currently does no output to the microridge hardware other than to request the current value of five of the channels. In particular, no support for setting output values is available. the mrlog program is a tcl script that uses the standard expect extension, as well as a custom extension to read the current tcs position. These extensions are compiled into the tcstcl program, which actually is the "shell" for the mrlog script. The script uses the kermit program to actually talk via the rs232 port, and the kermit program is also located in the mrlog directory. Semi-kludgy, but it seems to work, and is in line with other needs of the day. source for the various pieces can be found on the tiptilt computer horace, at /usr/local/cfht/dev/cerberus/tish/ (for the tcstcl interpreter), and /usr/local/cfht/dev/cerberus/microridge/ (for the mrlog script, linux kermit, this documentation, notes, etc). The mrlog program produces two types of output: stderr - various (un)helpful debugging verbage typically this will be sent to /dev/null stdout - a one line record that has the date, time, RA, DEC, and five position values for the five ono sokki gauges attached to the microridge box. A recent invokation of the program produced: 1995:158 21:37:02 19:50:00.4 00:00:00.98 -0.612 0.003 0.0 -0.001 0.48 Explanation: 1995 is the year (probably crashes in 2000). 158 is the day of the year. 21 is the hour of the day. 37 is the minute of the hour. 02 is the seconds of the minute. 19:50:00.4 is the declination as given by the tcs status computer. This value may be bogus if the actual TCS is not running. If the tcs computer cannot be contacted, and error of the form "tcs command 0 TPD failed" may be returned (not tested). 00:00:00.98 is the hour angle as given by the tcs status computer. This value may be bogus if the actual TCS is not running. If the tcs computer cannot be contacted, and error of the form "tcs command 0 TPD failed" may be returned (not tested). -0.612 0.003 0.0 -0.001 0.48 are the five values for the A, B, C, D and E channels of the microridge. Since these five connectors (and sensors for that matter) are nearly identical, the actual locations of these five channels on the primary mirror will need to be determined from the installation documentation. This software cannot know which channel is which gauge - sorry. Since each gauge has a power switch, and various other manual controls that are not settable by the software, problems can occur. A data value of "timeout", 0r "-999.999" indicates that the read of the gauge failed with a timeout. This probably indicated a powered off or uncabled ono sokki. Nominally, these values are in mm, but the gauges do support inch measurments, therefore, no units are attached to these data values by this software, and manual means must be used to determine the units. As per Eric Pilger 6/15/95, the locations of the gauges is: A - west side, surface B - west side, radial C - north side, radial D - north side, surface E - south side, surface Error output and possible meanings: "timeout getting version\nabort: timeout" - microridge is not answering. "eof" - another program has the serial port(?). dead kermit or manual connection. Current usage details: Installed on computer casspc at the summit, in the directory /home/mirror. Executable and output file are in that directory. While the source code is on horace:/usr/local/cfht/dev/cerberus/{microridge,tish}/. The root account's crontab has been modified with the following entry: 9,19,29,39,49,59 * * * * /home/mirror/mrlog >>/home/mirror/mrlog.dat 2>/home/mirror/mrlog.err Basically, this runs the mrlog program once every 10 minutes and appends the one line of stdout to the /home/mirror/mrlog.dat file. If there are errors, the last one should show up in the mrlog.err file. For more information on the crontab meaning, do a `man 5 crontab` To change the crontab entry, read and understand the man page for the crontab command `man crontab` (not the same man page as before). Since each line is ~71 characters long, and there are 6 per hour - this file will reach about 4 meg in size after a year of operation. No plan is presented for the care and feeding of this dataset/file.